In the 12.1.2 release notes it stated...

  Pools are now expected to be associated with the application using them.
  Upon completing the upgrade to Luminous, the cluster will attempt to
  existing pools to known applications (i.e. CephFS, RBD, and RGW). In-use
  that are not associated to an application will generate a health warning.
  unassociated pools can be manually associated using the new
  "ceph osd pool application enable" command. For more details see
  "Associate Pool to Application" in the documentation.

It is always a good idea to read the release notes before upgrading to a
new version of Ceph.

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 10:29 AM Roger Brown <> wrote:

> Is this something new in Luminous 12.1.2, or did I break something? Stuff
> still seems to function despite the warnings.
> $ ceph health detail
> <snip>
> POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED application not enabled on 14 pool(s)
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.buckets.non-ec'
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.control'
>     application not enabled on pool ''
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.gc'
>     application not enabled on pool ''
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.log'
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.users.uid'
>     application not enabled on pool ''
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.users.keys'
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.buckets.index'
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.users.swift'
>     application not enabled on pool '.rgw.root'
>     application not enabled on pool 'default.rgw.reshard'
>     application not enabled on pool ''
>     use 'ceph osd pool application enable <pool-name> <app-name>', where
> <app-name> is 'cephfs', 'rbd', 'rgw', or freeform for custom applications.
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