It _should_ be enough. What happened in your cluster recently? Power
Outage, OSD failures, upgrade, added new hardware, any changes at all. What
is your Ceph version?

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 11:22 AM Marc Roos <> wrote:

> I have got a placement group inconsistency, and saw some manual where
> you can export and import this on another osd. But I am getting an
> export error on every osd.
> What does this export_files error -5 actually mean? I thought 3 copies
> should be enough to secure your data.
> > PG_DAMAGED Possible data damage: 1 pg inconsistent
> >    pg 17.36 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [9,0,12]
> > 2017-08-04 05:39:51.534489 7f2f623d6700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log
> [ERR] : 17.36 soid
> 17:6ca1f70a:::rbd_data.1f114174b0dc51.0000000000000974:4: failed to pick
> suitable object info
> > 2017-08-04 05:41:12.715393 7f2f623d6700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log
> [ERR] : 17.36 deep-scrub 3 errors
> > 2017-08-04 15:21:12.445799 7f2f623d6700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log
> [ERR] : 17.36 soid
> 17:6ca1f70a:::rbd_data.1f114174b0dc51.0000000000000974:4: failed to pick
> suitable object info
> > 2017-08-04 15:22:35.646635 7f2f623d6700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log
> [ERR] : 17.36 repair 3 errors, 0 fixed
> ceph-objectstore-tool --data-path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-12 --pgid 17.36
> --op export --file /tmp/recover.17.36
> ...
> Read #17:6c9f811c:::rbd_data.1b42f52ae8944a.0000000000001a32:head#
> Read #17:6ca035fc:::rbd_data.1fff61238e1f29.000000000000b31a:head#
> Read #17:6ca0b4f8:::rbd_data.1fff61238e1f29.0000000000006fcc:head#
> Read #17:6ca0ffbc:::rbd_data.1fff61238e1f29.000000000000a214:head#
> Read #17:6ca10b29:::rbd_data.1fff61238e1f29.0000000000009923:head#
> Read #17:6ca11ab9:::rbd_data.1fa8ef2ae8944a.00000000000011b4:head#
> Read #17:6ca13bed:::rbd_data.1f114174b0dc51.00000000000002c6:head#
> Read #17:6ca1a791:::rbd_data.1fff61238e1f29.000000000000f101:head#
> Read #17:6ca1f70a:::rbd_data.1f114174b0dc51.0000000000000974:4#
> export_files error -5
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