

In a Multi Datacenter Cluster I have the following rulesets:


rule ams5_ssd {

        ruleset 1

        type replicated

        min_size 1

        max_size 10

        step take ams5-ssd

        step chooseleaf firstn 2 type host

        step emit

        step take ams6-ssd

        step chooseleaf firstn -2 type host

        step emit


rule ams6_ssd {

        ruleset 2

        type replicated

        min_size 1

        max_size 10

        step take ams6-ssd

        step chooseleaf firstn 2 type host

        step emit

        step take ams5-ssd

        step chooseleaf firstn -2 type host

        step emit




The replication size is set to 3.


When for example ruleset 1 is used, how is the replication being done? Does
it store 2 replica's in ams5-ssd and store 1 replica in ams6-ssd? Or does it
store 3 replicas in ams5-ssd and 3 replicas in ams6-ssd?





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