
Our team finally had a chance to take another look at the problem identified by 
Brian Felton in http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/16767.  Basically, if any 
multipart objects are retried before an Abort or Complete, they remain on the 
system, taking up space and leaving their accounting in “radosgw-admin bucket 
stats”.  The problem is confirmed in Hammer and Jewel.

This past week, we succeeded in some experimental code to remove those parts.  
I am not sure if this code has any unintended consequences, so **I would 
greatly appreciate reviews of the new tool**!  I have tested it successfully 
against objects created and leaked in the ceph-demo Docker image for Jewel.  
Here is a pull request with the patch:


Basically, we added a new subcommand for “bucket” called “fixmpleak”.  This 
lists objects in the “multipart” namespace, and it identifies objects that are 
not associated with current .meta files in that list.  It then deletes those 
objects with a delete op, which results in the accounting being corrected and 
the space being reclaimed on the OSDs.

This is not a preventative measure, which would be a lot more complicated, but 
we figure to run this tool hourly against all our buckets to keep things clean.

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