Hi all,

(Sorry if this shows up twice - I got auto-unsubscribed and so first
attempt was blocked)

I'm keen to read up on some performance comparisons for replication versus
EC on HDD+SSD based setups. So far the only recent thing I've found is
Sage's Vault17 slides [1], which have a single slide showing 3X / EC42 /
EC51 for Kraken. I guess there is probably some of this data to be found in
the performance meeting threads, but it's hard to know the currency of
those (typically master or wip branch tests) with respect to releases. Can
anyone point out any other references or highlight something that's coming?

I'm sure there are piles of operators and architects out there at the
moment wondering how they could and should reconfigure their clusters once
upgraded to Luminous. A couple of things going around in my head at the

* We want to get to having the bulk of our online storage in CephFS on EC
*-- is overwrite performance on EC acceptable for near-line NAS use-cases?
*-- recovery implications (currently recovery on our Jewel RGW EC83 pool is
_way_ slower that 3X pools, what does this do to reliability? maybe split
capacity into multiple pools if it helps to contain failure?)


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