
we run cephfs  (10.2.9 on Debian jessie; 108 OSDs on 9 nodes) as scratch 
filesystem for a HPC cluster using IPoIB interconnect with kernel client 
(Debian backports kernel version 4.9.30).

Our clients started blocking on file system access.
Logs show 'mds0: Behind on trimming' and slow requests to one osd (osd.049).
Replacing the disk of osd.049 didn't show any effect. Clust health is ok.

'ceph daemon mds.cephmon1 dump_ops_in_flight' shows ops from client sessions 
which are no longer present according to 'ceph daemon mds.cephmon1 session ls'.

We observe traffic of ~200 Mbps on the mds node and this OSD (osd.049).
Stopping the mds process ends the traffic (of course).
Stopping osd.049 shifts traffic to the next OSD (osd.095).
ceph logs show 'slow requests' even after stopping almost all clients.

Debug log on osd.049 show zillions of lines of a single pg (4.22e) of the 
cephfs_metadata pool which resides on OSDs [49, 95, 9].

2017-09-19 12:20:08.535383 7fd6b98c3700 20 osd.49 pg_epoch: 240725 pg[4.22e( v 
240141'1432046 (239363'1429042,240141'1432046] local-les=240073 n=4848 ec=451 
les/c/f 240073/240073/0 239916/240072/240072) [49,95,9] r=0 lpr=240072 
crt=240129'1432044 lcod 240130'1432045 mlcod 240130'1432045 active+clean] Found 
key .chunk_4761369_head

Is there anything we can do to get the mds back into operation?


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