Good morning Joao,

thanks for your feedback! We do actually have three managers running:

    id:     26c0c5a8-d7ce-49ac-b5a7-bfd9d0ba81ab
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            1/3 mons down, quorum server5,server3

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum server5,server3, out of quorum: server2
    mgr: 0(active), standbys: 1, 2
    osd: 57 osds: 57 up, 57 in

    pools:   3 pools, 1344 pgs
    objects: 580k objects, 2256 GB
    usage:   6778 GB used, 30276 GB / 37054 GB avail
    pgs:     1344 active+clean

    client:   17705 B/s rd, 14586 kB/s wr, 21 op/s rd, 70 op/s wr

Joao Eduardo Luis <> writes:

> This looks a lot like a bug I fixed a week or so ago, but for which I 
> currently don't recall the ticket off the top of my head. It was basically a 
> crash each time a "ceph osd df" was called, if a mgr was not available after 
> having set the
> luminous osd require flag. I will check the log in the morning to figure out 
> whether you need to upgrade to a newer version or if this is a corner case 
> the fix missed. In the mean time, check if you have ceph-mgr running, because 
> that's
> the easy work around (assuming it's the same bug).
> -Joao

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