Quoting Ashley Merrick (ash...@amerrick.co.uk):
> Hello,
> Setting up a new test lab, single server 5 disks/OSD.
> Want to run an EC Pool that has more shards than avaliable OSD's , is
> it possible to force crush to 're use an OSD for another shard?
> I know normally this is bad practice but is for testing only on a
> single server setup.

Create multiple OSDs per disk? Nowadays (luminous) this should be
possible by creating multiple LVM volumes (filestore), or by creating
different mounts and use filestore OSDs and or creating different
parititions and put bluestore on top (if you need to test bluestore as
well). Forcing CRUSH to do things it shouldn't will be much harder I
guess / hope ;-)).

Gr. Stefan

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