There is no existing option to thick provision images within RBD. When
an image is created or cloned, the only actions that occur are some
small metadata updates to describe the image. This allows image
creation to be a quick, constant time operation regardless of the
image size. To thick provision the entire image would require writing
data to the entire image and ensuring discard support is disabled to
prevent the OS from releasing space back (and thus re-sparsifying the

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 10:49 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have deployed a Ceph cluster (Jewel). By default all block devices that
> are created are thin provisioned.
> Is it possible to change this setting? I would like to have that all
> created block devices are thick provisioned.
> In front of the Ceph cluster, I am running Openstack.
> Thanks!
> Sinan
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