That helps a little bit, but overall the process would take years at this rate:

# for i in {1..3600}; do ceph df -f json-pretty |grep -A7 '".rgw.buckets"' 
|grep objects; sleep 60; done
                "objects": 1660775838
                "objects": 1660775733
                "objects": 1660775548
                "objects": 1660774825
                "objects": 1660774790
                "objects": 1660774735

This is on a hammer cluster.  Would upgrading to Jewel or Luminous speed up 
this process at all?


From: Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub <>
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 11:32 AM
To: Bryan Stillwell <>
Cc: David Turner <>, Ben Hines <>, 
"" <>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Speeding up garbage collection in RGW

Some of the options there won't do much for you as they'll only affect
newer object removals. I think the default number of gc objects is
just inadequate for your needs. You can try manually running
'radosgw-admin gc process' concurrently (for the start 2 or 3
processes), see if it makes any dent there. I think one of the problem
is that the gc omaps grew so much that operations on them are too


On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Bryan Stillwell 
<<>> wrote:
We tried various options like the one's Ben mentioned to speed up the garbage 
collection process and were unsuccessful.  Luckily, we had the ability to 
create a new cluster and move all the data that wasn't part of the POC which 
created our problem.

One of the things we ran into was the .rgw.gc pool became too large to handle 
drive failures without taking down the cluster.  We eventually had to move that 
pool to SSDs just to get the cluster healthy.  It was not obvious it was 
getting large though, because this is what it looked like in the 'ceph df' 

     NAME                   ID     USED      %USED     MAX AVAIL     OBJECTS
     .rgw.gc                17         0         0          235G           2647

However, if you look at the SSDs we used (repurposed journal SSDs to get out of 
the disaster) in 'ceph osd df' you can see quite a bit of data is being used:

410 0.20000  1.00000  181G 23090M   158G 12.44 0.18
411 0.20000  1.00000  181G 29105M   152G 15.68 0.22
412 0.20000  1.00000  181G   110G 72223M 61.08 0.86
413 0.20000  1.00000  181G 42964M   139G 23.15 0.33
414 0.20000  1.00000  181G 33530M   148G 18.07 0.26
415 0.20000  1.00000  181G 38420M   143G 20.70 0.29
416 0.20000  1.00000  181G 92215M 93355M 49.69 0.70
417 0.20000  1.00000  181G 64730M   118G 34.88 0.49
418 0.20000  1.00000  181G 61353M   121G 33.06 0.47
419 0.20000  1.00000  181G 77168M   105G 41.58 0.59

That's ~560G of omap data for the .rgw.gc pool that isn't being reported in 
'ceph df'.

Right now the cluster is still around while we wait to verify the new cluster 
isn't missing anything.  So if there is anything the RGW developers would like 
to try on it to speed up the gc process, we should be able to do that.


From: ceph-users 
on behalf of David Turner <<>>
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 4:07 PM
To: Ben Hines <<>>
Cc: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Speeding up garbage collection in RGW

Thank you so much for chiming in, Ben.

Can you explain what each setting value means? I believe I understand min wait, 
that's just how long to wait before allowing the object to be cleaned up.  gc 
max objs is how many will be cleaned up during each period?  gc processor 
period is how often it will kick off gc to clean things up?  And gc processor 
max time is the longest the process can run after the period starts?  Is that 
about right for that?  I read somewhere saying that prime numbers are optimal 
for gc max objs.  Do you know why that is?  I notice you're using one there.  
What is lc max objs?  I couldn't find a reference for that setting.

Additionally, do you know if the radosgw-admin gc list is ever cleaned up, or 
is it an ever growing list?  I got up to 3.6 Billion objects in the list before 
I killed the gc list command.

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 4:47 PM Ben Hines 
<<>> wrote:
I agree the settings are rather confusing. We also have many millions of 
objects and had this trouble, so i set these rather aggressive gc settings on 
our cluster which result in gc almost always running. We also use lifecycles to 
expire objects.

rgw lifecycle work time = 00:01-23:59
rgw gc max objs = 2647
rgw lc max objs = 2647
rgw gc obj min wait = 300
rgw gc processor period = 600
rgw gc processor max time = 600


On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 9:25 AM, David Turner 
<<>> wrote:
As I'm looking into this more and more, I'm realizing how big of a problem 
garbage collection has been in our clusters.  The biggest cluster has over 1 
billion objects in its gc list (the command is still running, it just recently 
passed by the 1B mark).  Does anyone have any guidance on what to do to 
optimize the gc settings to hopefully/eventually catch up on this as well as 
stay caught up once we are?  I'm not expecting an overnight fix, but something 
that could feasibly be caught up within 6 months would be wonderful.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 11:18 AM David Turner 
<<>> wrote:
We recently deleted a bucket that was no longer needed that had 400TB of data 
in it to help as our cluster is getting quite full.  That should free up about 
30% of our cluster used space, but in the last week we haven't seen nearly a 
fraction of that free up yet.  I left the cluster with this running over the 
weekend to try to help `radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=local gc process`, but it 
didn't seem to put a dent into it.  Our regular ingestion is faster than how 
fast the garbage collection is cleaning stuff up, but our regular ingestion is 
less than 2% growth at it's maximum.

As of yesterday our gc list was over 350GB when dumped into a file (I had to 
stop it as the disk I was redirecting the output to was almost full).  In the 
future I will use the --bypass-gc option to avoid the cleanup, but is there a 
way to speed up the gc once you're in this position?  There were about 8M 
objects that were deleted from this bucket.  I've come across a few references 
to the rgw-gc settings in the config, but nothing that explained the times well 
enough for me to feel comfortable doing anything with them.

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 4:01 PM Bryan Stillwell 
<<>> wrote:
Excellent, thank you!  It does exist in 0.94.10!  :)


From: Pavan Rallabhandi 
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 11:21 AM

To: Bryan Stillwell <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Speeding up garbage collection in RGW

I’ve just realized that the option is present in Hammer (0.94.10) as well, you 
should try that.

From: Bryan Stillwell <<>>
Date: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 at 9:45 PM
To: Pavan Rallabhandi 
Subject: EXT: Re: [ceph-users] Speeding up garbage collection in RGW

Unfortunately, we're on hammer still (0.94.10).  That option looks like it 
would work better, so maybe it's time to move the upgrade up in the schedule.

I've been playing with the various gc options and I haven't seen any speedups 
like we would need to remove them in a reasonable amount of time.


From: Pavan Rallabhandi 
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 3:00 AM
To: Bryan Stillwell <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Speeding up garbage collection in RGW

If your Ceph version is >=Jewel, you can try the `--bypass-gc` option in 
radosgw-admin, which would remove the tails objects as well without marking 
them to be GCed.


On 25/07/17, 1:34 AM, "ceph-users on behalf of Bryan Stillwell" 
<<> on 
behalf of<>> wrote:

     I'm in the process of cleaning up a test that an internal customer did on 
our production cluster that produced over a billion objects spread across 6000 
buckets.  So far I've been removing the buckets like this:

     printf %s\\n bucket{1..6000} | xargs -I{} -n 1 -P 32 radosgw-admin bucket 
rm --bucket={} --purge-objects

     However, the disk usage doesn't seem to be getting reduced at the same 
rate the objects are being removed.  From what I can tell a large number of the 
objects are waiting for garbage collection.

     When I first read the docs it sounded like the garbage collector would 
only remove 32 objects every hour, but after looking through the logs I'm 
seeing about 55,000 objects removed every hour.  That's about 1.3 million a 
day, so at this rate it'll take a couple years to clean up the rest!  For 
comparison, the purge-objects command above is removing (but not GC'ing) about 
30 million objects a day, so a much more manageable 33 days to finish.

     I've done some digging and it appears like I should be changing these 
configuration options:

     rgw gc max objs (default: 32)
     rgw gc obj min wait (default: 7200)
     rgw gc processor max time (default: 3600)
     rgw gc processor period (default: 3600)

     A few questions I have though are:

     Should 'rgw gc processor max time' and 'rgw gc processor period' always be 
set to the same value?

     Which would be better, increasing 'rgw gc max objs' to something like 
1024, or reducing the 'rgw gc processor' times to something like 60 seconds?

     Any other guidance on the best way to adjust these values?


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