Dear list,

Somehow, might have to do with live migrating the virtual machine, an
rbd image ends up being undeletable. Trying to remove the image results
in *loads* of the same messages over and over again:

2017-11-07 11:30:58.431913 7f9ae2ffd700 -1 JournalPlayer: 0x7f9ae400a130
missing prior journal entry: Entry[tag_tid=0, entry_tid=461364, data

Trying to run the VM with this image will keep it in state "paused"
while the cluster is doing ~ 500 MiB/s of reads (presumably also hitting
the issue with "missing prior journal entry").

rbd image info:

rbd image 'one-393':
        size 10240 MB in 2560 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.cc4f1238e1f29
        format: 2
        features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, 
deep-flatten, journaling
        create_timestamp: Mon Sep 18 13:05:31 2017
        journal: cc4f1238e1f29
        mirroring state: enabled
        mirroring global id: bf4ed03b-a15a-4c7d-9620-07317e517493
        mirroring primary: true

The data on this VM is not important (just testing anyway). I'm just curious
what's going on, how the image can get into a state like this, and if it's
possible to remove it somehow.

Any hints are welcome,

Gr. Stefan

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