Hello List,

Yesterday i repaired a Partition with an osd. I flushed and recreated
the yournal. After This i saw that i only have 50 Percent of Data in the
OSD. Now the OSD Daemon will not start. An enable of the Debug brings

ceph tell osd.0 injectargs --debug-osd 0/5
Error ENXIO: problem getting command descriptions from osd.0

The last Log Entry of the osd:

2017-11-25 15:22:00.351424 7f146f95b800  1 journal check: header looks ok
2017-11-25 15:22:00.351433 7f146f95b800  1 journal close
2017-11-25 15:22:00.351514 7f146f95b800 -1 created new journal
/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/journal for object store /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0

i have set ceph osd noout.

Can anybody help me to start the OSD Daemon? I guess the OSD daesn't
start because the OSD has only 50% Data. IS this correct? How can i
repair this? I tried unset noout but after this the OSD Crashed, too





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