Are you using bluestore compression?

On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 1:45 PM, Martin Preuss <> wrote:
> Hi (again),
> meanwhile I tried
> "ceph-bluestore-tool fsck --path /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0"
> but that resulted in a segfault (please see attached console log).
> Regards
> Martin
> Am 10.12.2017 um 14:34 schrieb Martin Preuss:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to Ceph. I started a ceph cluster from scratch on DEbian 9,
>> consisting of 3 hosts, each host has 3-4 OSDs (using 4TB hdds, currently
>> totalling 10 hdds).
>> Right from the start I always received random scrub errors telling me
>> that some checksums didn't match the expected value, fixable with "ceph
>> pg repair".
>> I looked at the ceph-osd logfiles on each of the hosts and compared with
>> the corresponding syslogs. I never found any hardware error, so there
>> was no problem reading or writing a sector hardware-wise. Also there was
>> never any other suspicious syslog entry around the time of checksum
>> error reporting.
>> When I looked at the checksum error entries I found that the reported
>> bad checksum always was "0x6706be76".
>> Could someone please tell me where to look further for the source of the
>> problem?
>> I appended an excerpt of the osd logs.
>> Kind regards
>> Martin
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