Quoting Steven Vacaroaia (ste...@gmail.com):
> Hi,
> I have noticed the below error message when creating a new OSD using
> ceph-volume
> deleting the OSD and recreating it does not work - same error message
> However, creating a new one OSD works
> Note
> No firewall /iptables are enabled and nothing shows on those ports using
> netstat -ant
> Any ideas ?
> osd01.tor.medavail.net ceph-osd[3059]: starting osd.2 at - osd_data
> /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-2 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-2/journal
> Jan 18 09:47:25 osd01.tor.medavail.net ceph-osd[3059]: 2018-01-18
> 09:47:25.219938 7fa385ef3d00 -1  Processor -- bind unable to bind to
> on any port in range 6800-7300: (99) Cannot assign
> requested address
> Jan 18 09:47:25 osd01.tor.medavail.net ceph-osd[3059]: 2018-01-18
> 09:47:25.219969 7fa385ef3d00 -1  Processor -- bind was unable to bind.
> Trying again in 5 seconds
> Jan 18 09:47:30 osd01.tor.medavail.net ceph-osd[3059]: 2018-01-18
> 09:47:30.227718 7fa385ef3d00 -1  Processor -- bind unable to bind to
> on any port in range 6800-7300: (99) Cannot assign
> requested address

osd01.tor.medavail.net <- does the ip-adress of this host in the dns
/etc/hosts file correspond to the ip bound on the host?

Gr. Stefan

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