Hi All,

I've a tiny Ceph 12.2.2 cluster setup with three nodes, 17 OSDs, 3
MON,MDS,MGR (spanned across the three nodes).
Hadoop 2.7.3 is configured on only one of the three nodes as follows:
- Hadoop binaries was extracted to /opt/hadoop/bin/
- Hadoop config files where at /opt/hadoop/etc/hadoop/
- Hadoop-cephfs.jar was downloaded from http://download.ceph.com/tarballs/
to /opt/hadoop/lib/ which the last update to it was on 12-Mar-2013
- The following symbolic links have been done:
# ln -s /usr/lib64/libcephfs_jni.so.1.0.0 /usr/lib64/libcephfs_jni.so

# cp /usr/lib64/libcephfs_jni.so.1.0.0 /opt/hadoop/lib/native/

# ln -s /opt/hadoop/lib/native/libcephfs_jni.so.1.0.0

# ln -s /opt/hadoop/lib/native/libcephfs_jni.so.1.0.0

# ln -s /usr/share/java/libcephfs.jar /opt/hadoop/lib/
The following modification to Hadoop-config.sh has been done:


# CLASSPATH initially contains $HADOOP_CONF_DIR


So writes and reads to/from Ceph using HDFS CLI works fine, but when I use
hadoop Java library I get the following error:

ERROR HdfsTraveller:58 - com.ceph.fs.CephNotMountedException: not mounted

FileSystem.globStatus in hdfs api
ceph returns null pointer

Any idea what's going on? is it a configuration problem? is it a Ceph
problem? Did anybody see that error before?

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