On 2018/01/29 12:28 pm, Alfredo Deza wrote:
On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Andre Goree <an...@drenet.net> wrote:
On my OSD node that I built with ceph-ansible, the OSDs are failing to start
after a reboot.

This is not uncommon for ceph-disk unfortunately, and one of the
reasons we have introduced ceph-volume. There are a few components
that can
cause this, you may find that rebooting your node will yield different
results, some times other OSDs will come up (or all of them even!)

If you search the tracker, or even this mailing list, you will see
this is nothing new.

ceph-ansible has the ability to deploy using ceph-volume, which
doesn't suffer from the same caveats, you might want to try it out (if

Thank you, yes I did see that this apparently happens (happened?) often after many hours of internet searching. Very unfortunate.

The only issue I see with ceph-volume (at least with ceph-ansible) is that it MUST use LVM, which we'd like to avoid. But if we cannot reboot our OSD hosts for fear of them not being able to come back online, that is perhaps something we'll have to reconsider.

Does ceph-volume work without LVM when manually creating things?

Andre Goree
Email     - andre at drenet.net
Website   - http://blog.drenet.net
PGP key   - http://www.drenet.net/pubkey.html
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