Hi Turner,
Thanks for your insight.
I am wondering if the mon can detect slow/blocked request from certain osd why
can't mon mark a osd with blocked request down if the request is blocked for a
certain time.
发件人:David Turner <drakonst...@gmail.com>
发送时间:2018-03-06 23:56
主题:Re: [ceph-users] Why one crippled osd can slow down or block all request to
the whole ceph cluster?
There are multiple settings that affect this. osd_heartbeat_grace is probably
the most apt. If an OSD is not getting a response from another OSD for more
than the heartbeat_grace period, then it will tell the mons that the OSD is
down. Once mon_osd_min_down_reporters have told the mons that an OSD is down,
then the OSD will be marked down by the cluster. If the OSD does not then talk
to the mons directly to say that it is up, it will be marked out after
mon_osd_down_out_interval is reached. If it does talk to the mons to say that
it is up, then it should be responding again and be fine.
In your case where the OSD is half up, half down... I believe all you can
really do is monitor your cluster and troubleshoot OSDs causing problems like
this. Basically every storage solution is vulnerable to this. Sometimes an
OSD just needs to be restarted due to being in a bad state somehow, or simply
removed from the cluster because the disk is going bad.
On Sun, Mar 4, 2018 at 2:28 AM shadow_lin <shadow_...@163.com> wrote:
Hi list,
During my test of ceph,I find sometime the whole ceph cluster are blocked and
the reason was one unfunctional osd.Ceph can heal itself if some osd is down,
but it seems if some osd is half dead (have heart beat but can't handle
request) then all the request which are directed to that osd would be blocked.
If all osds are in one pool and the whole cluster would be blocked due to that
one hanged osd.
I think this is because ceph will try to distribute the request to all osds and
if one of the osd wont confirm the request is done then everything is blocked.
Is there a way to let ceph to mark the the crippled osd down if the requests
direct to that osd are blocked more than certain time to avoid the whole
cluster is blocked?
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