On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 12:18:15AM PDT, Tracy Reed spake thusly:
> https://jcftang.github.io/2012/09/06/going-from-replicating-across-osds-to-replicating-across-hosts-in-a-ceph-cluster/
> How can I tell which way mine is configured? I could post the whole
> crushmap if necessary but it's a bit large to copy and paste.

To further answer my own question (sorry for the spam) the above linked
doc says this should do what I want:

        step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host

which is what I already have in my crush map. So it looks like the
default is as I want it. In which case I wonder why I had the problem
previously... I guess the only way to know for sure is to stop one osd
node and see what happens.

Tracy Reed
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