Hi Jan,

first of all thanks for this dashboard.
A few comments:
-) 'vonage-status-panel' is needed, which isn't mentioned in the ReadMe
-) Using ceph 12.2.4 the mon metric for me is apparently called 'ceph_mon_quorum_count' not 'ceph_mon_quorum_status'

And a question:
Is there a way to get the Cluster IOPS with prometheus metrics? I did this with collectd, but can't find a suitable metric from ceph-mgr.

Best regards,

Jan Fajerski <mailto:jfajer...@suse.com>
7. May 2018 at 12:32
Hi all,
I'd like to request comments and feedback about a Grafana dashboard for Ceph cluster monitoring.



The goal is to eventually have a set of default dashboards in the Ceph repository that offer decent monitoring for clusters of various (maybe even all) sizes and applications, or at least serve as a starting point for customizations.
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