Am 06.08.2018 um 22:01 schrieb Pawel S:
> On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 3:08 PM J?rg Kastning <> wrote:
But what are agents, rgws, nfss, restapis, rbdmirrors, clients and
iscsi-gws? Where could I found additional information about them? Where
for and how do I use them? Please, put me to the right section in the

As Ceph is multi protocol storage it can talk with http/rest based object
storage clients, it can act like a nfs server and iscsi target. Those
groups just configure proper software stack and daemons to support it. If
are sure you will go with CephFS, don't bother with them. But please notice
most common deployment scenario for OpenStack on Ceph storage include RBD
Block storage (included in base mon/osd) and object storage supported by
RadosGW. So double check if you really don't want it.

Ok, though not needed for a minimal setup I would like to know where to find documentation and information about these services listed in the site.yml.sample. I found some of them in the Ceph documentation but not all of them.

Because it is a lot to read I would appreciate if someone could tell me if I'm looking in the right section of the documentation.

* agents - [Cache Tiering]( * mdss - [Ceph Metadata Server Daemom]( * rgws - [Rados Rest Gateway]( * nfss - [NFS-Ganesha NFS server](
 * restapis - ?
* rbdmirrors - [RBD-Mirror](
 * clients - ?
 * mgrs - ?
* iscsi-gw - [Ceph ISCSI Gateway](

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

Best regards,
Joerg K.

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