In searching the code for rbytes it makes a lot of sense how this is useful
for quotas in general.  While nothing references this variable in the
ceph-fuse code, it is in the general client config options as
`client_dirsize_rbytes = false`.  Setting that in the config file and
remounting ceph-fuse removed the sizes being displayed from the folders and
resolved the errors when immediately tarring a folder after modifying files
in it.

Thank you Greg for your help.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 2:52 PM Gregory Farnum <> wrote:

> There's an option when mounting the FS on the client to not display those
> (on the kernel it's "norbytes"; see
>; I
> didn't poke around to find it on ceph-fuse but it should be there).
> Calculating them is not very expensive (or at least, the expense is
> intrinsic to other necessary functions) so you can't disable it on the
> server.
> -Greg
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 11:48 AM David Turner <>
> wrote:
>> Is it be possible to disable this feature?  Very few filesystems
>> calculate the size of its folder's contents.  I know I enjoy it in multiple
>> use cases, but there are some use cases where this is not useful and a
>> cause for unnecessary lag/processing.  I'm not certain how this is
>> calculated, but I could imagine some of those use cases with millions of
>> files in cephfs that waste time calculating a folder size that nobody looks
>> at is not ideal.
>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 2:11 PM Gregory Farnum <> wrote:
>>> Hmm, I *think* this might be something we've seen before and is the
>>> result of our recursive statistics (ie, the thing that makes directory
>>> sizes reflect the data within them instead of 1 block size). If that's the
>>> case it should resolve within a few seconds to maybe tens of seconds under
>>> stress?
>>> But there's also some work to force a full flush of those rstats up the
>>> tree to enable good differential backups. Not sure what the status of that
>>> is.
>>> -Greg
>>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 11:06 AM David Turner <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> We have an existing workflow that we've moved from one server sharing a
>>>> local disk via NFS to secondary servers to all of them mounting CephFS.
>>>> The primary server runs a script similar to [1] this, but since we've moved
>>>> it into CephFS, we get [2] this error.  We added the sync in there to try
>>>> to help this, but it didn't have an effect.
>>>> Does anyone have a suggestion other than looping over a sleep to wait
>>>> for the tar to succeed?  Waiting just a few seconds to run tar does work,
>>>> but during a Ceph recovery situation, I can see that needing to be longer
>>>> and longer.
>>>> [1] #!/bin/bash
>>>> cp -R /tmp/17857283/db.sql /cephfs/17857283/
>>>> sync
>>>> tar --ignore-failed-read -cvzf /cephfs/17857283.tgz /cephfs/17857283
>>>> [2] tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
>>>> /cephfs/17857283/
>>>> /cephfs/17857283/db.sql
>>>> tar: /cephfs/17857283: file changed as we read it
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