Did you ever get anywhere with this?

I have 6 OSDs out of 36 continuously flapping with this error in the logs.



On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 11:10 AM Caspar Smit <caspars...@supernas.eu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Maybe this will help:
> The issue is with shards 3,4 and 5 of PG 6.3f:
> LOG's of OSD's 16, 17 & 36 (the ones crashing on startup).
> *Log OSD.16 (shard 4):*
> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.727261 7f4c585e3700 -1
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-16) _txc_add_transaction error (2) No such
> file or directory not handled on operation 30 (op 0, counting from 0)
> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.727273 7f4c585e3700 -1
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-16) ENOENT on clone suggests osd bug
> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.727274 7f4c585e3700  0
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-16)  transaction dump:
> {
>     "ops": [
>         {
>             "op_num": 0,
>             "op_name": "clonerange2",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "src_oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903d0",
>             "dst_oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "src_offset": 950272,
>             "len": 98304,
>             "dst_offset": 950272
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 1,
>             "op_name": "remove",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903d0"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 2,
>             "op_name": "setattrs",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_": 297,
>                 "hinfo_key": 18,
>                 "snapset": 35
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 3,
>             "op_name": "clonerange2",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "src_oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903cf",
>             "dst_oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "src_offset": 679936,
>             "len": 274432,
>             "dst_offset": 679936
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 4,
>             "op_name": "remove",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903cf"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 5,
>             "op_name": "setattrs",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "oid":
> "4#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_": 297,
>                 "hinfo_key": 18,
>                 "snapset": 35
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 6,
>             "op_name": "nop"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 7,
>             "op_name": "op_omap_rmkeyrange",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "oid": "4#6:fc000000::::head#",
>             "first": "0000011124.00000000000000590799",
>             "last": "4294967295.18446744073709551615"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 8,
>             "op_name": "omap_setkeys",
>             "collection": "6.3fs4_head",
>             "oid": "4#6:fc000000::::head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_biginfo": 597,
>                 "_epoch": 4,
>                 "_info": 953,
>                 "can_rollback_to": 12,
>                 "rollback_info_trimmed_to": 12
>             }
>         }
>     ]
> }
> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.730584 7f4c585e3700 -1
> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: In function
> 'void BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction*)' thread 7f4c585e3700 time 2018-06-08
> 08:35:01.727379
> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: 9363:
> FAILED assert(0 == "unexpected error")
>  ceph version 12.2.2 (215dd7151453fae88e6f968c975b6ce309d42dcf) luminous
> (stable)
>  1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char
> const*)+0x102) [0x558e08ba4202]
>  2: (BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction*)+0x15fa) [0x558e08a55c3a]
>  3: (BlueStore::queue_transactions(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
> std::vector<ObjectStore::Transaction,
> std::allocator<ObjectStore::Transaction> >&,
> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x546)
> [0x558e08a572a6]
>  4: (ObjectStore::queue_transaction(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction&&, Context*, Context*, Context*,
> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x14f)
> [0x558e085fa37f]
>  5: (OSD::dispatch_context_transaction(PG::RecoveryCtx&, PG*,
> ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x6c) [0x558e0857db5c]
>  6: (OSD::process_peering_events(std::__cxx11::list<PG*,
> std::allocator<PG*> > const&, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x442) [0x558e085abec2]
>  7: (ThreadPool::BatchWorkQueue<PG>::_void_process(void*,
> ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x2c) [0x558e0861a91c]
>  8: (ThreadPool::worker(ThreadPool::WorkThread*)+0xeb8) [0x558e08bab3a8]
>  9: (ThreadPool::WorkThread::entry()+0x10) [0x558e08bac540]
>  10: (()+0x7494) [0x7f4c709ca494]
>  11: (clone()+0x3f) [0x7f4c6fa51aff]
>  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed
> to interpret this.
> *Log OSD.17 (Shard 5):*
> 2018-06-08 08:35:56.745249 7fe3fa687700 -1
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-17) _txc_add_transaction error (2) No such
> file or directory not handled on operation 30 (op 0, counting from 0)
> 2018-06-08 08:35:56.745264 7fe3fa687700 -1
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-17) ENOENT on clone suggests osd bug
> 2018-06-08 08:35:56.745266 7fe3fa687700  0
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-17)  transaction dump:
> {
>     "ops": [
>         {
>             "op_num": 0,
>             "op_name": "clonerange2",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "src_oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903d0",
>             "dst_oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "src_offset": 950272,
>             "len": 98304,
>             "dst_offset": 950272
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 1,
>             "op_name": "remove",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903d0"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 2,
>             "op_name": "setattrs",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_": 297,
>                 "hinfo_key": 18,
>                 "snapset": 35
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 3,
>             "op_name": "clonerange2",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "src_oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903cf",
>             "dst_oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "src_offset": 679936,
>             "len": 274432,
>             "dst_offset": 679936
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 4,
>             "op_name": "remove",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903cf"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 5,
>             "op_name": "setattrs",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "oid":
> "5#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_": 297,
>                 "hinfo_key": 18,
>                 "snapset": 35
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 6,
>             "op_name": "nop"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 7,
>             "op_name": "op_omap_rmkeyrange",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "oid": "5#6:fc000000::::head#",
>             "first": "0000011124.00000000000000590799",
>             "last": "4294967295.18446744073709551615"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 8,
>             "op_name": "omap_setkeys",
>             "collection": "6.3fs5_head",
>             "oid": "5#6:fc000000::::head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_biginfo": 586,
>                 "_epoch": 4,
>                 "_info": 953,
>                 "can_rollback_to": 12,
>                 "rollback_info_trimmed_to": 12
>             }
>         }
>     ]
> }
> 2018-06-08 08:35:56.748436 7fe3fa687700 -1
> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: In function
> 'void BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction*)' thread 7fe3fa687700 time 2018-06-08
> 08:35:56.745458
> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: 9363:
> FAILED assert(0 == "unexpected error")
>  ceph version 12.2.2 (215dd7151453fae88e6f968c975b6ce309d42dcf) luminous
> (stable)
>  1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char
> const*)+0x102) [0x55695de1f202]
>  2: (BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction*)+0x15fa) [0x55695dcd0c3a]
>  3: (BlueStore::queue_transactions(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
> std::vector<ObjectStore::Transaction,
> std::allocator<ObjectStore::Transaction> >&,
> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x546)
> [0x55695dcd22a6]
>  4: (ObjectStore::queue_transaction(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction&&, Context*, Context*, Context*,
> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x14f)
> [0x55695d87537f]
>  5: (OSD::dispatch_context_transaction(PG::RecoveryCtx&, PG*,
> ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x6c) [0x55695d7f8b5c]
>  6: (OSD::process_peering_events(std::__cxx11::list<PG*,
> std::allocator<PG*> > const&, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x442) [0x55695d826ec2]
>  7: (ThreadPool::BatchWorkQueue<PG>::_void_process(void*,
> ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x2c) [0x55695d89591c]
>  8: (ThreadPool::worker(ThreadPool::WorkThread*)+0xeb8) [0x55695de263a8]
>  9: (ThreadPool::WorkThread::entry()+0x10) [0x55695de27540]
>  10: (()+0x7494) [0x7fe412a6e494]
>  11: (clone()+0x3f) [0x7fe411af5aff]
>  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed
> to interpret this.
> *Log OSD.36 (Shard 3):*
>     -3> 2018-06-08 09:25:36.660055 7f43c9262700 -1
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-36) _txc_add_transaction error (2) No such
> file or directory not handled on operation 30 (op 0, counting from 0)
>     -2> 2018-06-08 09:25:36.660068 7f43c9262700 -1
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-36) ENOENT on clone suggests osd bug
>     -1> 2018-06-08 09:25:36.660070 7f43c9262700  0
> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-36)  transaction dump:
> {
>     "ops": [
>         {
>             "op_num": 0,
>             "op_name": "clonerange2",
>             "collection": "*6.3fs3*_head",
>             "src_oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903d0",
>             "dst_oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "src_offset": 950272,
>             "len": 98304,
>             "dst_offset": 950272
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 1,
>             "op_name": "remove",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903d0"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 2,
>             "op_name": "setattrs",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_": 297,
>                 "hinfo_key": 18,
>                 "snapset": 35
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 3,
>             "op_name": "clonerange2",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "src_oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903cf",
>             "dst_oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "src_offset": 679936,
>             "len": 274432,
>             "dst_offset": 679936
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 4,
>             "op_name": "remove",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#903cf"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 5,
>             "op_name": "setattrs",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "oid":
> "3#6:fc074663:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.00000000000312db:head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_": 297,
>                 "hinfo_key": 18,
>                 "snapset": 35
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 6,
>             "op_name": "nop"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 7,
>             "op_name": "op_omap_rmkeyrange",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "oid": "3#6:fc000000::::head#",
>             "first": "0000011124.00000000000000590799",
>             "last": "4294967295.18446744073709551615"
>         },
>         {
>             "op_num": 8,
>             "op_name": "omap_setkeys",
>             "collection": "6.3fs3_head",
>             "oid": "3#6:fc000000::::head#",
>             "attr_lens": {
>                 "_biginfo": 743,
>                 "_epoch": 4,
>                 "_info": 953,
>                 "can_rollback_to": 12,
>                 "rollback_info_trimmed_to": 12
>             }
>         }
>     ]
> }
>      0> 2018-06-08 09:25:36.663334 7f43c9262700 -1
> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: In function
> 'void BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction*)' thread 7f43c9262700 time 2018-06-08
> 09:25:36.660177
> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: 9363:
> FAILED assert(0 == "unexpected error")
>  ceph version 12.2.2 (215dd7151453fae88e6f968c975b6ce309d42dcf) luminous
> (stable)
>  1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char
> const*)+0x102) [0x557025013202]
>  2: (BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction*)+0x15fa) [0x557024ec4c3a]
>  3: (BlueStore::queue_transactions(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
> std::vector<ObjectStore::Transaction,
> std::allocator<ObjectStore::Transaction> >&,
> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x546)
> [0x557024ec62a6]
>  4: (ObjectStore::queue_transaction(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
> ObjectStore::Transaction&&, Context*, Context*, Context*,
> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x14f)
> [0x557024a6937f]
>  5: (OSD::dispatch_context_transaction(PG::RecoveryCtx&, PG*,
> ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x6c) [0x5570249ecb5c]
>  6: (OSD::process_peering_events(std::__cxx11::list<PG*,
> std::allocator<PG*> > const&, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x442) [0x557024a1aec2]
>  7: (ThreadPool::BatchWorkQueue<PG>::_void_process(void*,
> ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x2c) [0x557024a8991c]
>  8: (ThreadPool::worker(ThreadPool::WorkThread*)+0xeb8) [0x55702501a3a8]
>  9: (ThreadPool::WorkThread::entry()+0x10) [0x55702501b540]
>  10: (()+0x7494) [0x7f43e0e48494]
>  11: (clone()+0x3f) [0x7f43dfecfaff]
>  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed
> to interpret this.
> Kind regards,
> Caspar Smit
> 2018-06-08 16:38 GMT+02:00 Caspar Smit <caspars...@supernas.eu>:
>> Hi all,
>> I seem to be hitting these tracker issues:
>> https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/23145
>> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/24422
>> PG's 6.1 and 6.3f are having the issues
>> When i list all PG's of a down OSD with:
>> ceph-objectstore-tool --dry-run --type bluestore --data-path
>> /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-17/ --op list-pgs
>> There are a lot of 'double' pgid's like (also for other pg's):
>> 6.3fs3
>> 6.3fs5
>> Is that normal? I would assume different shards for EC would be on
>> seperate OSD's
>> We still have 4 OSD's down and 2 PG's down+remapped and i can't find any
>> way to get the crashed OSD's back up.
>>     pg 6.1 is down+remapped, acting
>> [6,3,2147483647,29,2147483647,2147483647]
>>     pg 6.3f is down+remapped, acting [20,24,2147483647,2147483647,3,28]
>> Kind regards,
>> Caspar Smit
>> 2018-06-08 8:53 GMT+02:00 Caspar Smit <caspars...@supernas.eu>:
>>> Update:
>>> I've unset nodown to let it continue but now 4 osd's are down and cannot
>>> be brought up again, here's what the lofgfile reads:
>>> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.716245 7f4c58de4700  0 log_channel(cluster) log
>>> [INF] : 6.e3s0 continuing backfill to osd.37(4) from
>>> (10864'911406,11124'921472]
>>> 6:c7d71bbd:::rbd_data.5.6c1d9574b0dc51.0000000000bf38b9:head to 11124'921472
>>> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.727261 7f4c585e3700 -1
>>> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-16) _txc_add_transaction error (2) No such
>>> file or directory not handled on operation 30 (op 0, counting from 0)
>>> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.727273 7f4c585e3700 -1
>>> bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-16) ENOENT on clone suggests osd bug
>>> 2018-06-08 08:35:01.730584 7f4c585e3700 -1
>>> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: In function
>>> 'void BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
>>> ObjectStore::Transaction*)' thread 7f4c585e3700 time 2018-06-08
>>> 08:35:01.727379
>>> /home/builder/source/ceph-12.2.2/src/os/bluestore/BlueStore.cc: 9363:
>>> FAILED assert(0 == "unexpected error")
>>>  ceph version 12.2.2 (215dd7151453fae88e6f968c975b6ce309d42dcf) luminous
>>> (stable)
>>>  1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char
>>> const*)+0x102) [0x558e08ba4202]
>>>  2: (BlueStore::_txc_add_transaction(BlueStore::TransContext*,
>>> ObjectStore::Transaction*)+0x15fa) [0x558e08a55c3a]
>>>  3: (BlueStore::queue_transactions(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
>>> std::vector<ObjectStore::Transaction,
>>> std::allocator<ObjectStore::Transaction> >&,
>>> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x546)
>>> [0x558e08a572a6]
>>>  4: (ObjectStore::queue_transaction(ObjectStore::Sequencer*,
>>> ObjectStore::Transaction&&, Context*, Context*, Context*,
>>> boost::intrusive_ptr<TrackedOp>, ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x14f)
>>> [0x558e085fa37f]
>>>  5: (OSD::dispatch_context_transaction(PG::RecoveryCtx&, PG*,
>>> ThreadPool::TPHandle*)+0x6c) [0x558e0857db5c]
>>>  6: (OSD::process_peering_events(std::__cxx11::list<PG*,
>>> std::allocator<PG*> > const&, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x442) [0x558e085abec2]
>>>  7: (ThreadPool::BatchWorkQueue<PG>::_void_process(void*,
>>> ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x2c) [0x558e0861a91c]
>>>  8: (ThreadPool::worker(ThreadPool::WorkThread*)+0xeb8) [0x558e08bab3a8]
>>>  9: (ThreadPool::WorkThread::entry()+0x10) [0x558e08bac540]
>>>  10: (()+0x7494) [0x7f4c709ca494]
>>>  11: (clone()+0x3f) [0x7f4c6fa51aff]
>>>  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is
>>> needed to interpret this.
>>> Any help is highly appreciated.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Caspar Smit
>>> 2018-06-08 7:57 GMT+02:00 Caspar Smit <caspars...@supernas.eu>:
>>>> Well i let it run with flags nodown and it looked like it would finish
>>>> BUT it all went wrong somewhere:
>>>> This is now the state:
>>>>     health: HEALTH_ERR
>>>>             nodown flag(s) set
>>>>             5602396/94833780 objects misplaced (5.908%)
>>>>             Reduced data availability: 143 pgs inactive, 142 pgs
>>>> peering, 7 pgs stale
>>>>             Degraded data redundancy: 248859/94833780 objects degraded
>>>> (0.262%), 194 pgs unclean, 21 pgs degraded, 12 pgs undersized
>>>>             11 stuck requests are blocked > 4096 sec
>>>>     pgs:     13.965% pgs not active
>>>>              248859/94833780 objects degraded (0.262%)
>>>>              5602396/94833780 objects misplaced (5.908%)
>>>>              830 active+clean
>>>>              75  remapped+peering
>>>>              66  peering
>>>>              26  active+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>              6   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>              6   active+recovery_wait+degraded+remapped
>>>>              3   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
>>>>              3   stale+active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>              3   stale+active+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>              2   active+recovery_wait+degraded
>>>>              2   active+remapped+backfilling
>>>>              1   activating+degraded+remapped
>>>>              1   stale+remapped+peering
>>>> #ceph health detail shows:
>>>> REQUEST_STUCK 11 stuck requests are blocked > 4096 sec
>>>>     11 ops are blocked > 16777.2 sec
>>>>     osds 4,7,23,24 have stuck requests > 16777.2 sec
>>>> So what happened and what should i do now?
>>>> Thank you very much for any help
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Caspar
>>>> 2018-06-07 13:33 GMT+02:00 Sage Weil <s...@newdream.net>:
>>>>> On Wed, 6 Jun 2018, Caspar Smit wrote:
>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > We have a Luminous 12.2.2 cluster with 3 nodes and i recently added
>>>>> a node
>>>>> > to it.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > osd-max-backfills is at the default 1 so backfilling didn't go very
>>>>> fast
>>>>> > but that doesn't matter.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Once it started backfilling everything looked ok:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ~300 pgs in backfill_wait
>>>>> > ~10 pgs backfilling (~number of new osd's)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > But i noticed the degraded objects increasing a lot. I presume a pg
>>>>> that is
>>>>> > in backfill_wait state doesn't accept any new writes anymore? Hence
>>>>> > increasing the degraded objects?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > So far so good, but once a while i noticed a random OSD flapping
>>>>> (they come
>>>>> > back up automatically). This isn't because the disk is saturated but
>>>>> a
>>>>> > driver/controller/kernel incompatibility which 'hangs' the disk for
>>>>> a short
>>>>> > time (scsi abort_task error in syslog). Investigating further i
>>>>> noticed
>>>>> > this was already the case before the node expansion.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > These OSD's flapping results in lots of pg states which are a bit
>>>>> worrying:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >              109 active+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>> >              80  active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>> >              51  active+recovery_wait+degraded+remapped
>>>>> >              41  active+recovery_wait+degraded
>>>>> >              27  active+recovery_wait+undersized+degraded+remapped
>>>>> >              14  active+undersized+remapped+backfill_wait
>>>>> >              4   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I think the recovery_wait is more important then the backfill_wait,
>>>>> so i
>>>>> > like to prioritize these because the recovery_wait was triggered by
>>>>> the
>>>>> > flapping OSD's
>>>>> Just a note: this is fixed in mimic.  Previously, we would choose the
>>>>> highest-priority PG to start recovery on at the time, but once
>>>>> recovery
>>>>> had started, the appearance of a new PG with a higher priority (e.g.,
>>>>> because it finished peering after the others) wouldn't preempt/cancel
>>>>> the
>>>>> other PG's recovery, so you would get behavior like the above.
>>>>> Mimic implements that preemption, so you should not see behavior like
>>>>> this.  (If you do, then the function that assigns a priority score to
>>>>> a
>>>>> PG needs to be tweaked.)
>>>>> sage
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