
> Hi guys, I need your help.
> I'm new with Cephfs and we started using it as file storage.
> Today we are getting no space left on device but I'm seeing that we have 
> plenty space on the filesystem.
> Filesystem              Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>,,   73T   
> 39T   35T  54% /mnt/cephfs
> We have 35TB of disk space. I've added 2 additional OSD disks with 7TB each 
> but I'm getting the error "No space left on device" every time that
> I want to add a new file.
> After adding the 2 additional OSD disks I'm seeing that the load is beign 
> distributed among the cluster.
> Please I need your help.

Could you give us the output of

ceph osd df
ceph osd pool ls detail
ceph osd tree

Best regards,

Yoann Moulin
ceph-users mailing list

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