I've run my home cluster with drives ranging in size from 500GB to 8TB before 
and the biggest issue you run into is that the bigger drives will get a 
proportional more number of PGs which will increase the memory requirements on 
them.  Typically you want around 100 PGs/OSD, but if you mix 4TB and 14TB 
drives in a cluster the 14TB drives will have 3.5 times the number of PGs.  So 
if the 4TB drives have 100 PGs, the 14TB drives will have 350.   Or if the 14TB 
drives have 100 PGs, the 4TB drives will only have just 28 PGs on them.  Using 
the balancer plugin in the mgr will pretty much be required.

Also since you're using EC you'll need to make sure the math works with these 
nodes receiving 2-3.5 times the data.


From: ceph-users <ceph-users-boun...@lists.ceph.com> on behalf of Götz Reinicke 
Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 2:33 AM
To: ceph-users <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
Subject: [ceph-users] Suggestions/experiences with mixed disk sizes and models 
from 4TB - 14TB

Dear Ceph users,

I’d like to get some feedback for the following thought:

Currently I run some 24*4TB bluestore OSD nodes. The main focus is on storage 
space over IOPS.

We use erasure code and cephfs, and things look good right now.

The „but“ is, I do need more disk space and don’t have so much more rack space 
available, so I was thinking of adding some 8TB or even 12TB OSDs and/or 
exchange over time 4TB OSDs with bigger disks.

My question is: How are your experiences with the current >=8TB SATA disks are 
some very bad models out there which I should avoid?

The current OSD nodes are connected by 4*10Gb bonds, so for 
replication/recovery speed is a 24 Chassis with bigger disks useful, or should 
I go with smaller chassis? Or dose the chassi sice does not matter at all that 
much in my setup.

I know, EC is quit computing intense, so may be bigger disks hav also there an 

Lot’s of questions, may be you can help answering some.

                Best regards and Thanks a lot for feedback . Götz

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