On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 12:42:21PM +0100, Robert Sander wrote:
> On 18.01.19 11:48, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> > OSD on every node (Bluestore), journal on SSD (do I need a directory, or a 
> > dedicated partition? How large, assuming 2 TB and 4 TB Bluestore HDDs?)
> You need a partition on the SSD for the block.db (it's not a journal

Thanks, didn't realize that. Can I do that and remain flexible by going LVM on 
both SDD and HDD?

> anymore with blustore). You should look into osd_memory_target to
> configure the osd process with 1 or 2 GB of RAM in your setup.

Got that.
> > Can I run ceph-mon instances on the two D510, or would that already 
> > overload them? No sense to try running 2x monitors on D510 and one on the 
> > 330, right?
> Yes, Mons need some resources. If you have set osd_memory_target they
> may fit on your Atoms.

Thanks. I'll guess I'll have to experiment a little. It's not that I'll be 
using this heavily.
> > I've just realized that I'll also need ceph-mgr daemons on the hosts 
> > running ceph-mon. I don't see the added system resource requirements for 
> > these.
> The mgr process is quite light in resource usage.

Good to know.
> > Assuming BlueStore is too fat for my crappy nodes, do I need to go to 
> > FileStore? If yes, then with xfs as the file system? Journal on the SSD as 
> > a directory, then?
> Journal for FileStore is also a block device.

Didn't realize that, either.

Thank you for your answers. Appreciated.
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