I have a question about `ceph pg {pg.num} mark_unfound_lost delete`.
Will this only delete objects which are unfound, or the whole PG which
you put in as an argument?
Objects (oid's) which i can see with `ceph pg {pg.num} list_missing`?
So in the case bellow, would it remove the object

If so that would be great, since e53c3c27c0089c is not linked to any
volume any more.

ceph pg 65.2d0 list_missing
    "offset": {
        "oid": "",
        "key": "",
        "snapid": 0,
        "hash": 0,
        "max": 0,
        "pool": -9223372036854775808,
        "namespace": ""
    "num_missing": 2,
    "num_unfound": 2,
    "objects": [
            "oid": {
                "oid": "rbd_data.e53c3c27c0089c.00000000000001c7",
                "key": "",
                "snapid": -2,
                "hash": 3857244880,
                "max": 0,
                "pool": 65,
                "namespace": ""
            "need": "613065'497508155",
            "have": "0'0",
            "locations": []
            "oid": {
                "oid": "rbd_data.e53c3c27c0089c.0000000000000059",
                "key": "",
                "snapid": -2,
                "hash": 2362866384,
                "max": 0,
                "pool": 65,
                "namespace": ""
            "need": "612939'497508050",
            "have": "0'0",
            "locations": []
    "more": 0

Thanks in advance.
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