

For a number of application we use, there is a lot of file duplication. This
wastes precious storage space, which I would like to avoid.

When using a local disk, I can use a hard link to let all duplicate files
point to the same inode (use "rdfind", for example).


As there isn't any deduplication in Ceph(FS) I'm wondering if I can use hard
links on CephFS in the same way as I use for 'regular' file systems like
ext4 and xfs.

1. Is it advisible to use hard links on CephFS? (It isn't in the 'best
practices': http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/app-best-practices/)

2. Is there any performance (dis)advantage?

3. When using hard links, is there an actual space savings, or is there some
trickery happening?

4. Are there any issues (other than the regular hard link 'gotcha's') I need
to keep in mind combining hard links with CephFS?



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