Hi Dan


  ceph tell mds.ceph1 config set mds_bal_fragment_size_max 200000

got us running again.


On 26/03/2019 16:56, Dan van der Ster wrote:
> See http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/38849
> As an immediate workaround you can increase `mds bal fragment size
> max` to 200000 (which will increase the max number of strays to 2
> million.)
> (Try injecting that option to the mds's -- I think it is read at runtime).
> And you don't need to stop the mds's and flush the journal/scan_links/etc...
> Just find where the old rm'd hardlinks are and ls -l their directories
> -- that should be enough to remove the files from stray.
> -- Dan
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 5:50 PM Toby Darling <t...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi
>> [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph version
>> ceph version 13.2.4 (b10be4d44915a4d78a8e06aa31919e74927b142e) mimic
>> (stable)
>> We've run into a "No space left on device" issue when trying to delete a
>> file, despite there being free space:
>> [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph df
>>     SIZE        AVAIL       RAW USED     %RAW USED
>>     3.2 PiB     871 TiB      2.3 PiB         73.42
>>     NAME                      ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL
>>     mds_nvme                  3      2.7 MiB         0       527 GiB
>>   2636225
>>     compressed_ecpool         4      2.3 PiB     92.13       197 TiB
>> 858679630
>>     ecpool_comp_TEST_ONLY     5          0 B         0       197 TiB
>>         0
>> Creating files/directories is fine.
>> We do have 1M strays:
>> [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph daemon mds.ceph1 perf dump | grep num_strays
>>         "num_strays": 1000000,
>>         "num_strays_delayed": 0,
>>         "num_strays_enqueuing": 0,
>> and I found a post from 2016
>> (http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2016-October/013646.html)
>> that suggests:
>>   run ' ceph daemon mds.xxx flush journal' to flush MDS journal
>>   stop all mds
>>   run 'cephfs-data-scan scan_links'
>>   restart mds
>>   run 'ceph daemon mds.x scrub_path / recursive repair'
>> That was for jewel, is this still the recommended action for mimic?
>> Cheers
>> Toby
>> --
>> Toby Darling, Scientific Computing (2N249)
>> MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
>> Francis Crick Avenue
>> Cambridge Biomedical Campus
>> Cambridge CB2 0QH
>> Phone 01223 267070
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Toby Darling, Scientific Computing (2N249)
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge CB2 0QH
Phone 01223 267070
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