Hi there,

i'm new to ceph and just got my first cluster running.
Now i'd like to know if the performance we get is expectable.

Is there a website with benchmark results somewhere where i could have a look 
to compare with our HW and our results?

This are the results:
rados bench single threaded:
# rados bench 10 write --rbd-cache=false -t 1

Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     53.7186
Stddev Bandwidth:       3.86437
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 60
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 48
Average IOPS:           13
Stddev IOPS:            0.966092
Average Latency(s):     0.0744599
Stddev Latency(s):      0.00911778

nearly maxing out one (idle) client with 28 threads
# rados bench 10 write --rbd-cache=false -t 28

Bandwidth (MB/sec):     850.451
Stddev Bandwidth:       40.6699
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 904
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 748
Average IOPS:           212
Stddev IOPS:            10.1675
Average Latency(s):     0.131309
Stddev Latency(s):      0.0318489

four concurrent benchmarks on four clients each with 24 threads:
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     396     376     381     389
Stddev Bandwidth:       30      25      22      22
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 440     420     416     428
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 352     348     344     364
Average IOPS:           99      94      95      97
Stddev IOPS:            7.5     6.3     5.6     5.6
Average Latency(s):     0.24    0.25    0.25    0.24
Stddev Latency(s):      0.12    0.15    0.15    0.14

summing up: write mode
~1500 MB/sec Bandwidth
~385 IOPS
~0.25s Latency

rand mode:
~3500 MB/sec
~920 IOPS
~0.154s Latency

Maybe someone could judge our numbers. I am actually very satisfied with the 

The (mostly idle) cluster is build from these components:
* 10GB frontend network, bonding two connections to mon-, mds- and osd-nodes
** no bonding to clients
* 25GB backend network, bonding two connections to osd-nodes

* 3x mon, 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Bronze 3104 CPU @ 1.70GHz, 64GB RAM
* 3x mds, 1x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5115 CPU @ 2.40GHz, 128MB RAM
* 7x OSD-nodes, 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4112 CPU @ 2.60GHz, 96GB RAM
** 4x 6TB SAS HDD HGST HUS726T6TAL5204 (5x on two nodes, max. 6x per chassis 
for later growth)
** 2x 800GB SAS SSD WDC WUSTM3280ASS200 => SW-RAID1 => LVM ~116 GiB per OSD for 
DB and WAL

erasure encoded pool: (made for CephFS)
* plugin=clay k=5 m=2 d=6 crush-failure-domain=host

Thanks and best regards
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