>> I am doing some tests with Nautilus and cephfs on erasure coding pool.
>> I noticed something strange between k+m in my erasure profile and 
>> size+min_size in the pool created:
>>> test@icadmin004:~$ ceph osd erasure-code-profile get ecpool-4-2
>>> crush-device-class=
>>> crush-failure-domain=osd
>>> crush-root=default
>>> jerasure-per-chunk-alignment=false
>>> k=4
>>> m=2
>>> plugin=jerasure
>>> technique=reed_sol_van
>>> w=8
>>> test@icadmin004:~$ ceph --cluster test osd pool create cephfs_data 8 8 
>>> erasure ecpool-4-2
>>> pool 'cephfs_data' created
>>> test@icadmin004:~$ ceph osd pool ls detail | grep cephfs_data
>>> pool 14 'cephfs_data' erasure size 6 min_size 5 crush_rule 1 object_hash 
>>> rjenkins pg_num 8 pgp_num 8 autoscale_mode warn last_change 2646
>>> flags hashpspool stripe_width 16384
>> Why min_size = 5 and not 4 ?
> this question comes up regularly and is been discussed just now:
> http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2019-May/034867.html

Oh thanks, I missed that thread, make sense. I agree with some comment that it 
is a little bit confusing.


Yoann Moulin
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