
On 5/29/19 8:25 AM, Konstantin Shalygin wrote:

We have a similar setup, but 24 disks and 2x P4800X. And the 375GB NVME
drives are _not_ large enough:

Your block.db is 29Gb, should be 30Gb to prevent spillover to slow backend.

Well, it's the usual gigabyte vs. gigibyte fuck up.....

The drive has exactly 366292584 bytes, which is ~350GB (with GB = the computer scientist's GB, 1024^3). Since rocksdb also seems to be written by computer scientists, we are 10 GB short for a working setup...

There are options to reduce the level size in rocksdb. Does anyone have experience with changing them, and what are sane values (e.g. powers of 2)?



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