
I have a ceph cluster running over 2 years and the monitor began crash
since yesterday. I had some flapping OSDs up and down occasionally,
sometimes I need to rebuild the OSD. I found 3 OSDs are down yesterday,
they may cause this issue or may not.

Ceph Version: 12.2.12, ( upgraded from 12.2.8 not fix the issue)
I have 5 mon nodes, when I start mon service on the first 2 nodes, they are
good. Once I start the service on the third node, All 3 nodes begin keeping
up/down(flapping) due to Aborted in OSDMonitor::build_incremental. I also
tried to recover monitor from 1 node(remove other 4 nodes) by injecting
monmap, the node keep crash as well.

See below crash log from mon
May 31 02:26:09 ctlr101 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
May 31 02:26:09 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]: 2019-05-31 02:26:09.345533
7fe250321080 -1 compacting monitor store ...
May 31 02:26:11 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]: 2019-05-31 02:26:11.320926
7fe250321080 -1 done compacting
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]: 2019-05-31 02:26:16.497933
7fe242925700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : overall HEALTH_ERR 13 osds
down; 1 host (6 osds) down; 74266/2566020 objects misplace
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]: *** Caught signal (Aborted) **
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  in thread 7fe24692d700
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  ceph version 12.2.12
(1436006594665279fe734b4c15d7e08c13ebd777) luminous (stable)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  1: (()+0x9e6334)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  2: (()+0x11390) [0x7fe24f6ce390]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  3: (gsignal()+0x38)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  4: (abort()+0x16a)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  5:
(OSDMonitor::build_incremental(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned
long)+0x9c5) [0x558c5ee80455]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  6:
(OSDMonitor::send_incremental(unsigned int, MonSession*, bool,
boost::intrusive_ptr<MonOpRequest>)+0xcf) [0x558c5ee80b3f]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  7:
(OSDMonitor::check_osdmap_sub(Subscription*)+0x22d) [0x558c5ee8622d]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  8:
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  9:
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  10:
(Monitor::_ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x6db) [0x558c5ed061ab]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  11:
(Monitor::ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x23) [0x558c5ed372c3]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  12:
(DispatchQueue::entry()+0xf4a) [0x558c5f2a205a]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  13:
(DispatchQueue::DispatchThread::entry()+0xd) [0x558c5f035dcd]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  14: (()+0x76ba) [0x7fe24f6c46ba]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  15: (clone()+0x6d)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]: 2019-05-31 02:26:16.578932
7fe24692d700 -1 *** Caught signal (Aborted) **
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  in thread 7fe24692d700
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  ceph version 12.2.12
(1436006594665279fe734b4c15d7e08c13ebd777) luminous (stable)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  1: (()+0x9e6334)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  2: (()+0x11390) [0x7fe24f6ce390]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  3: (gsignal()+0x38)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  4: (abort()+0x16a)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  5:
(OSDMonitor::build_incremental(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned
long)+0x9c5) [0x558c5ee80455]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  6:
(OSDMonitor::send_incremental(unsigned int, MonSession*, bool,
boost::intrusive_ptr<MonOpRequest>)+0xcf) [0x558c5ee80b3f]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  7:
(OSDMonitor::check_osdmap_sub(Subscription*)+0x22d) [0x558c5ee8622d]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  8:
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  9:
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  10:
(Monitor::_ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x6db) [0x558c5ed061ab]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  11:
(Monitor::ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x23) [0x558c5ed372c3]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  12:
(DispatchQueue::entry()+0xf4a) [0x558c5f2a205a]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  13:
(DispatchQueue::DispatchThread::entry()+0xd) [0x558c5f035dcd]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  14: (()+0x76ba) [0x7fe24f6c46ba]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  15: (clone()+0x6d)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  NOTE: a copy of the executable,
or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to interpret this.
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  -1501> 2019-05-31
02:26:09.345533 7fe250321080 -1 compacting monitor store ...
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  -1475> 2019-05-31
02:26:11.320926 7fe250321080 -1 done compacting
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:   -946> 2019-05-31
02:26:16.497933 7fe242925700 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : overall
HEALTH_ERR 13 osds down; 1 host (6 osds) down; 74266/2566020 objects
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:      0> 2019-05-31
02:26:16.578932 7fe24692d700 -1 *** Caught signal (Aborted) **
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  in thread 7fe24692d700
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  ceph version 12.2.12
(1436006594665279fe734b4c15d7e08c13ebd777) luminous (stable)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  1: (()+0x9e6334)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  2: (()+0x11390) [0x7fe24f6ce390]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  3: (gsignal()+0x38)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  4: (abort()+0x16a)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  5:
(OSDMonitor::build_incremental(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned
long)+0x9c5) [0x558c5ee80455]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  6:
(OSDMonitor::send_incremental(unsigned int, MonSession*, bool,
boost::intrusive_ptr<MonOpRequest>)+0xcf) [0x558c5ee80b3f]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  7:
(OSDMonitor::check_osdmap_sub(Subscription*)+0x22d) [0x558c5ee8622d]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  8:
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  9:
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  10:
(Monitor::_ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x6db) [0x558c5ed061ab]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  11:
(Monitor::ms_dispatch(Message*)+0x23) [0x558c5ed372c3]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  12:
(DispatchQueue::entry()+0xf4a) [0x558c5f2a205a]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  13:
(DispatchQueue::DispatchThread::entry()+0xd) [0x558c5f035dcd]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  14: (()+0x76ba) [0x7fe24f6c46ba]
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  15: (clone()+0x6d)
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 ceph-mon[2632098]:  NOTE: a copy of the executable,
or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to interpret this.
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@ctlr101.service: Main process
exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@ctlr101.service: Unit entered
failed state.
May 31 02:26:16 ctlr101 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@ctlr101.service: Failed with
result 'signal'.
May 31 02:26:26 ctlr101 systemd[1]: ceph-mon@ctlr101.service: Service
hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
May 31 02:26:26 ctlr101 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph cluster monitor daemon.
May 31 02:26:26 ctlr101 systemd[1]: Started Ceph cluster monitor daemon.

For command ceph -s, most of time, it's timeout. Sometimes when I have 3+
mon services are up, I can get result, but mon service become down very

root@ctlr101:~# ceph -s
    id:     53264466-680b-42e6-899d-d042c3a8334a
    health: HEALTH_ERR
            6 osds down
            1 host (6 osds) down
            74266/2566020 objects misplaced (2.894%)
            Reduced data availability: 446 pgs inactive, 440 pgs peering
            Degraded data redundancy: 108173/2566020 objects degraded
(4.216%), 142 pgs degraded, 330 pgs undersized
            18600 slow requests are blocked > 32 sec. Implicated osds
            27371 stuck requests are blocked > 4096 sec. Implicated osds
            2/5 mons down, quorum ctlr101,ctlr201,ctlr301

    mon: 5 daemons, quorum ctlr101,ctlr201,ctlr301, out of quorum: ceph101,
    mgr: ceph101(active), standbys: ceph301, ctlr201, ctlr301, ceph201,
    mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up  {0=ceph101=up:active}, 2 up:standby
    osd: 52 osds: 46 up, 52 in; 22 remapped pgs
    rgw: 3 daemons active

    pools:   20 pools, 2528 pgs
    objects: 855.34k objects, 3.69TiB
    usage:   11.4TiB used, 28.3TiB / 39.7TiB avail
    pgs:     0.237% pgs unknown
             17.445% pgs not active
             108173/2566020 objects degraded (4.216%)
             74266/2566020 objects misplaced (2.894%)
             1667 active+clean
             413  peering
             198  active+undersized
             141  active+undersized+degraded
             60   active+remapped+backfill_wait
             27   remapped+peering
             12   active+clean+remapped
             6    unknown
             2    active+undersized+remapped
             1    active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
             1    remapped

    client:   5.65MiB/s rd, 81.1KiB/s wr, 143op/s rd, 43op/s wr

Note, the about io data is stale, the value hasn't been changed for 1 day.
If anyone can give me some hints how to keep the mon service running, it
will be great. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
Li JianYu
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