On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 4:27 PM Alex Litvak
<alexander.v.lit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I encounter this in nautilus client and not with mimic.  Removing admin 
> socket entry from config on client makes no difference
> Error:
> rbd ls -p one
> 2019-06-23 12:58:29.344 7ff2710b0700 -1 set_mon_vals failed to set 
> admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/$name.$pid.asok: Configuration option 
> 'admin_socket' may not be modified at runtime
> 2019-06-23 12:58:29.348 7ff2708af700 -1 set_mon_vals failed to set 
> admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/$name.$pid.asok: Configuration option 
> 'admin_socket' may not be modified at runtime
> I have no issues running other ceph clients (no messages on the screen with 
> ceph -s or ceph iostat from the same box.)
> I connected to a few other client nodes and as root I can do the same string
> rbd ls -p one
> On all the nodes with user libvirt I have seen the admin_socket messages
> oneadmin@virt3n1-la:~$  rbd ls -p one --id libvirt
> 2019-06-23 13:16:41.626 7f9ea0ff9700 -1 set_mon_vals failed to set 
> admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/$name.$pid.asok: Configuration option 
> 'admin_socket' may not be modified at runtime
> 2019-06-23 13:16:41.626 7f9e8bfff700 -1 set_mon_vals failed to set 
> admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/$name.$pid.asok: Configuration option 
> 'admin_socket' may not be modified at runtime
> I can execute all rbd operations on the cluster from client otherwise.  
> Commenting client in config file makes no difference
> This is an optimiised config distributed across the clients it is almost the 
> same as on servers (no libvirt on servers)
> [client]
> admin_socket = /var/run/ceph/$name.$pid.asok
> [client.libvirt]
> admin socket = /var/run/ceph/$cluster-$type.$id.$pid.$cctid.asok # must be 
> writable by QEMU and allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
> log file = /var/log/ceph/qemu-guest-$pid.log # must be writable by QEMU and 
> allowed by SELinux or AppArmor
> # Please do not change this file directly since it is managed by Ansible and 
> will be overwritten
> [global]
> cluster network =
> fsid = 3947ba2d-1b01-4909-8e3a-f9714f427483
> log file = /dev/null
> mon cluster log file = /dev/null
> mon host = 
> [v2:,v1:],[v2:,v1:],[v2:,v1:]
> perf = True
> public network =
> rocksdb_perf = True
> Here is config from mon
> NAME                        VALUE                                             
> SOURCE   OVERRIDES                      IGNORES
> cluster_network                                         
> file     (mon[])
> daemonize                   false                                             
> override
> debug_asok                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_auth                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_bdev                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_bluefs                0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_bluestore             0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_buffer                0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_civetweb              0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_client                0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_compressor            0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_context               0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_crush                 0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_crypto                0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_dpdk                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_eventtrace            0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_filer                 0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_filestore             0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_finisher              0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_fuse                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_heartbeatmap          0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_javaclient            0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_journal               0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_journaler             0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_kinetic               0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_kstore                0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_leveldb               0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_lockdep               0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mds                   0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mds_balancer          0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mds_locker            0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mds_log               0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mds_log_expire        0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mds_migrator          0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_memdb                 0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mgr                   0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mgrc                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_mon                   0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_monc                  0/00                                              
> mon
> debug_ms                    0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_none                  0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_objclass              0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_objectcacher          0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_objecter              0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_optracker             0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_osd                   0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_paxos                 0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_perfcounter           0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_rados                 0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_rbd                   0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_rbd_mirror            0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_rbd_replay            0/0                                               
> mon
> debug_refs                  0/0                                               
> mon
> err_to_stderr               true                                              
> override
> keyring                     $mon_data/keyring                                 
> default
> leveldb_block_size          65536                                             
> default
> leveldb_cache_size          536870912                                         
> default
> leveldb_compression         false                                             
> default
> leveldb_log                                                                   
> default
> leveldb_write_buffer_size   33554432                                          
> default
> log_file                                                                      
> override file[/dev/null],mon[/dev/null]
> log_stderr_prefix           debug                                             
> cmdline
> log_to_stderr               true                                              
> override
> log_to_syslog               false                                             
> override
> mon_allow_pool_delete       true                                              
> mon
> mon_cluster_log_file        /dev/null                                         
> file     (mon[/dev/null])
> mon_cluster_log_to_stderr   true                                              
> cmdline
> mon_data                    /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-storage2n2-la              
> cmdline
> mon_host                    
> [v2:,v1:],[v2:,v1:],[v2:,v1:]
>  file
> mon_initial_members         storage2n1-la,storage2n2-la,storage2n3-la         
> file
> mon_osd_down_out_interval   300                                               
> mon
> osd_pool_default_crush_rule -1                                                
> file     (mon[-1])
> osd_scrub_begin_hour        19                                                
> mon
> osd_scrub_end_hour          4                                                 
> mon
> osd_scrub_load_threshold    0.010000                                          
> mon
> osd_scrub_sleep             0.100000                                          
> mon
> perf                        true                                              
> file     (mon[true])
> public_addr                 v2:                                
> cmdline
> public_network                                          
> file     (mon[])
> rbd_default_features        61                                                
> default
> rocksdb_perf                true                                              
> file     (mon[true])
> setgroup                    ceph                                              
> cmdline
> setuser                     ceph                                              
> cmdline

What's the mon config for the "client.admin" user? "ceph config get

> I am not sure why I am  getting this messages and why are they inconsistent 
> across the nodes.  For example I am not getting those when I execute rbd in 
> containers running ceph daemons on server
> cluster nodes.   Any clue would be appreciated.
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