I think it should to set "osd_pool_default_min_size=1" before you add osd ,
and the osd that you add  at a time  should in same Failure domain.

What would be the proper way to add 100 new OSDs to a cluster?
I have to add 100 new OSDs to our actual > 300 OSDs cluster, and I would like 
to know how you do it.
Usually, we add them quite slowly. Our cluster is a pure SSD/NVMe one, and it 
can handle plenty of load, but for the sake of safety -it hosts thousands of 
VMs via RBD- we usually add them one by one, waiting for a long time between 
adding each OSD.
Obviously this leads to PLENTY of data movement, as each time the cluster 
geometry changes, data is migrated among all the OSDs. But with the kind of 
load we have, if we add several OSDs at the same time, some PGs can get stuck 
for a while, while they peer to the new OSDs.
Now that I have to add > 100 new OSDs I was wondering if somebody has some 

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