Hi List,

We are planning to move a filesystem workload (currently nfs) to CephFS.
It's around 29 TB. The unusual thing here is the amount of directories
in use to host the files. In order to combat a "too many files in one
directory" scenario a "let's make use of recursive directories" approach.
Not ideal either. This workload is supposed to be moved to (Ceph) S3
sometime in the future, but until then, it has to go to a shared
filesystem ...

So what is unusual about this? The directory layout looks like this

/data/files/00/00/[0-8][0-9]/[0-9]/ from this point on there will be 7
directories created to store 1 file.

Total amount of directories in a file path is 14. There are around 150 M
files in 400 M directories.

The working set won't be big. Most files will just sit around and will
not be touched. The active amount of files wil be a few thousand.

We are wondering if this kind of directory structure is suitable for
CephFS. Might the MDS get difficulties with keeping up that many inodes
/ dentries or doesn't it care at all?

The amount of metadata overhead might be horrible, but we will test that



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