On 8/2/19 3:04 AM, Harald Staub wrote:
Right now our main focus is on the Veeam use case (VMWare backup), used with an S3 storage tier. Currently we host a bucket with 125M objects and one with 100M objects.

As Paul stated, searching common prefixes can be painful. We had some cases that did not work (taking too much time, radosgw taking too much memory) until the upgrade from 14.2.1 to 14.2.2, which includes an important fix for that :-)

We expect up to 400M objects per bucket. Following the 100k recommendation, we started with 4096 shards per bucket.

Other cases to search common prefixes took several minutes. It helped us to reshard from 4096 to 1024, response time became nearly 3 times faster.

It feels that the main reason to have shards is to get distribution of index operations' load over several PGs and therefore over several OSDs. So maybe a number of shards much higher than the number of PGs or OSDs does not help a lot? But it introduces some overhead. Maybe it would be better to have a recommendation based on the number of OSDs involved?

More shards are also important for recovery. Overall recovery time for a
given bucket is reduced since each shard can be recovered in parallel.
With fewer shards, you get larger rados objects, each of which will take longer to recover, potentially causing a longer outage if there aren't
enough copies to be active.

The mentioned resharding (4096 -> 1024) itself worked ("completed successfully"), but the removal of one of the old indexes did not. The cluster saw an OSD going down, which seems to have aborted the cleanup. This OSD stayed up, but there were timeouts, probably during RocksDB compaction (from looking at the OSD log). The affected OSD has the highest number of PGs of the index pool. Again, this would suggest that a lot of shards does not help when many shards are processed together in one RocksDB.

Manually removing the objects of the old index one by one was no problem. Maybe dynamic resharding could do it similarly to avoid the RocksDB overload? Or RocksDB could be made to stay responsive?

There's a lot of work going into making rocksdb more effective for these cases - much of it discussed in the performance weekly from July 25:


One of the major pieces there is sharding rocksdb into multiple column
families. This reduces the size of an individual LSM-tree within
rocksdb, meaning levels are smaller and compactions are faster. In
testing so far this significantly reduces tail latency (60-70% reduced
99% latency for pure-omap writes, similar to an rgw bucket index


On 31.07.19 20:02, Paul Emmerich wrote:

we are seeing a trend towards rather large RGW S3 buckets lately.
we've worked on
several clusters with 100 - 500 million objects in a single bucket, and we've been asked about the possibilities of buckets with several billion objects more
than once.

 From our experience: buckets with tens of million objects work just fine with no big problems usually. Buckets with hundreds of million objects require some attention. Buckets with billions of objects? "How about indexless buckets?" -
"No, we need to list them".

A few stories and some questions:

1. The recommended number of objects per shard is 100k. Why? How was this
default configuration derived?

It doesn't really match my experiences. We know a few clusters running with larger shards because resharding isn't possible for various reasons at the
moment. They sometimes work better than buckets with lots of shards.

So we've been considering to at least double that 100k target shard size
for large buckets, that would make the following point far less annoying.

2. Many shards + ordered object listing = lots of IO

Unfortunately telling people to not use ordered listings when they don't really need them doesn't really work as their software usually just doesn't support
that :(

A listing request for X objects will retrieve up to X objects from each shard for ordering them. That will lead to quite a lot of traffic between the OSDs and the radosgw instances, even for relatively innocent simple queries as X
defaults to 1000 usually.

Simple example: just getting the first page of a bucket listing with 4096
shards fetches around 1 GB of data from the OSD to return ~300kb or so to the
S3 client.

I've got two clusters here that are only used for some relatively low-bandwidth backup use case here. However, there are a few buckets with hundreds of millions
of objects that are sometimes being listed by the backup system.

The result is that this cluster has an average read IO of 1-2 GB/s, all going to the index pool. Not a big deal since that's coming from SSDs and goes over
80 Gbit/s LACP bonds. But it does pose the question about scalability
as the user-
visible load created by the S3 clients is quite low.

3. Deleting large buckets

Someone accidentaly put 450 million small objects into a bucket and only noticed when the cluster ran full. The bucket isn't needed, so just delete it and case

Deleting is unfortunately far slower than adding objects, also
radosgw-admin leaks
memory during deletion: https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/40700

Increasing --max-concurrent-ios helps with deletion speed (option does effect deletion concurrency, documentation says it's only for other specific commands).

Since the deletion is going faster than new data is being added to that cluster the "solution" was to run the deletion command in a memory-limited cgroup and
restart it automatically after it gets killed due to leaking.

How could the bucket deletion of the future look like? Would it be possible to put all objects in buckets into RADOS namespaces and implement some kind of efficient namespace deletion on the OSD level similar to how pool deletions
are handled at a lower level?

4. Common prefixes could filtered in the rgw class on the OSD instead
of in radosgw

Consider a bucket with 100 folders with 1000 objects in each and only one shard

/p1/1, /p1/2, ..., /p1/1000, /p2/1, /p2/2, ..., /p2/1000, ... /p100/1000

Now a user wants to list / with aggregating common prefixes on the
delimiter / and
wants up to 1000 results.
So there'll be 100 results returned to the client: the common prefixes
p1 to p100.

How much data will be transfered between the OSDs and radosgw for this request?
How many omap entries does the OSD scan?

radosgw will ask the (single) index object to list the first 1000 objects. It'll return 1000 objects in a quite unhelpful way: /p1/1, /p1/2, ...., /p1/1000

radosgw will discard 999 of these and detect one common prefix and continue the iteration at /p1/\xFF to skip the remaining entries in /p1/ if there are any. The OSD will then return everything in /p2/ in that next request and so on.

So it'll internally list every single object in that bucket. That will
be a problem
for large buckets and having lots of shards doesn't help either.

This shouldn't be too hard to fix: add an option "aggregate prefixes" to the RGW
class method and duplicate the fast-forward logic from radosgw in
cls_rgw. It doesn't
even need to change the response type or anything, it just needs to
limit entries in
common prefixes to one result.
Is this a good idea or am I missing something?

IO would be reduced by a factor of 100 for that particular
pathological case. I've
unfortunately seen a real-world setup that I think hits a case like that.


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