hi there,

while debugging metadata servers reporting slow requests, we took a stab
at pinning directories of a cephfs like so:

setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 1 /tubfs/kubernetes/
setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 0 /tubfs/profiles/
setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 0 /tubfs/homes

on the active mds for rank 0, we can see all pinnings like expected:

ceph daemon /var/run/[rank0].asok get subtrees | jq -c
'.[]|select(.dir.path|contains("/"))|[.dir.path, .export_pin, .auth_first]'

while the active mds for rank 1 reports back its own pinnings only:

ceph daemon /var/run/[rank1].asok get subtrees | jq -c
'.[]|select(.dir.path|contains("/"))|[.dir.path, .export_pin, .auth_first]'

is this to be expected? anecdotical data indicate that the pinning does
work as intended.

thank you very much & with kind regards,

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