Hello Cephers,

The only recommendation I can find about db device selection is about the 
capacity (4% of the data disk) on the documents.  Is there any suggestions 
about technical specs like throughput, IOPS and db device per data disk?

While designing a specific infrastructure with filestore, we were looking its 
specs to meet requirements of all the disks behind the journal device. But in 
bluestore, data is directly written into data device via bluefs adapter while 
metadata is written into db (RocksDB) device. 

I know that it depends on the workload, but is there any best practice or 
recommendation about selection of db device? 

IMO, using NVME disks that we used for filestore journals as db devices is not 
meaningful. Because NVME disks have minimal latency and extraordinary 
throughput and IOPS performance. So I am not sure that DB device needs that 
kind of performance. So I want to use those NVME disks for a full flash pool, 
and choose another disks for db device. 

Any suggestion or recommendation would be appreciated. 

Best regards,
Huseyin Cotuk
hco...@gmail.com <mailto:hco...@gmail.com>

Huseyin Cotuk

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