Quoting Cc君 (o...@qq.com):
> Hi,daemon  is running when using admin socket
> [root@ceph-node1 ceph]#  ceph --admin-daemon 
> /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.ceph-node1.asok mon_status
> {
>     "name": "ceph-node1",
>     "rank": 0,
>     "state": "leader",
>     "election_epoch": 63,
>     "quorum": [
>         0
>     ],
>     "quorum_age": 40839,

Your ceph.conf show that messenger should listen on 3300 (v2) and 6789
(v1). If only 6789 is actually listening ... and the client tries to
connect to 3300 ... you might get a timeout as well. Not sure if
messenger falls back to v1.

What happens when you change ceph.conf (first without restarting the
mon) and try a "ceph -s" again with a ceph client on the monitor node?

Gr. Stefan

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