Due to the recent 5.3.x kernel having support for Object-Map and other features 
required in KRBD I have now enabled object-map,fast-diff on some RBD images 
with CEPH (14.2.5), I have rebuilt the object map using "rbd object-map rebuild"

However for some RBD images, the Provisioned/Total Provisioned then listed in 
the Ceph MGR for some images is the full RBD size and not the true size 
reflected in a VM using df -h, I have discard enabled and have run fstrim but I 
know that for example a 20TB RBD has never gone above the current 9TB shown in 
df -h but in CEPH MGR shows as 20TB under Provisioned/Total Provisioned.

Not sure if I am hitting a bug? Or if this is expected behavior? 

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