Quoting Sean Matheny (s.math...@auckland.ac.nz):
> I tested this out by setting norebalance and norecover, moving the host 
> buckets under the rack buckets (all of them), and then unsetting. Ceph starts 
> melting down with escalating slow requests, even with backfill and recovery 
> parameters set to throttle. I moved the host buckets back to the default root 
> bucket, and things mostly came right, but I still had some inactive / unknown 
> pgs that I had to restart some OSDs to get back to health_ok.
> I’m sure there’s a way you can tune things or fade in crush weights or 
> something, but I’m happy just moving one at a time.

For big changes like this you can use Dan's UPMAP trick:

Python script:

This way you can pause the process or get in "HEALTH_OK" state when
you want to.

Gr. Stefan

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