I don't doubt that they test.  My point was different - there are too many 
knobs and too big a parameter space to test efectively.  And that's the point.
I realize that it's extremely fun to invent parameters in "standards 
organizations" like 3GPP.  Everybody has their own favorite knob, and a great 
rationale for some unusual, but critically "important" customer requirement 
that might come up some day.  Hell, Linux has a gazillion (yes, that's a 
technical term in mathematics!) parameters, almost none of which are touched.  
This reflects the fact that nothing ever gets removed once added.  LTE is now 
going into release 12, and it's completely ramified into "solutions" to 
problems that will never be fixed in the field with those solutions.  It's 
great for European Publically Funded Academic-Industry research - lots for 
those "Professors" to claim they invented.
I've worked with telco contractors in the field.   They don't read manuals, and 
they don't read specs.  They have a job to do, and so much money to spend, and 
time's a wasting.  They don't even work for Verizon or ATT.  They follow 
"specs" handed down, and charge more if you tell them that the specs have 
This is not how brand-new systems get tuned.
It's a Clown Circus out there, and more parameters don't help.
This is why "more buffering is better" continues to be the law of the land - 
the spec is defined to be "no lost packets under load".   I'm sure that the 
primary measure under load for RRUL will be "no lost packets" by the time it 
gets to field engineers in the form of "specs" - because that's what they've 
*always* been told, and they will disregard any changes as "typos".
A system with more than two control parameters that interact in complex ways is 
ungovernable - and no control parameters in LTE are "orthogonal", much less 
"linear" in their interaction.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Jim Gettys" <j...@freedesktop.org>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 11:09am
To: "David P Reed" <dpr...@reed.com>
Cc: "Ketan Kulkarni" <ketku...@gmail.com>, 
"cerowrt-devel@lists.bufferbloat.net" <cerowrt-devel@lists.bufferbloat.net>
Subject: Re: [Cerowrt-devel] Google working on experimental 3.8 Linux kernel 
for Android

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 10:40 AM,  <[mailto:dpr...@reed.com] dpr...@reed.com> 

One wonders why all this complexity is necessary, and how likely it is to be 
"well tuned" by operators and their contract installers.
I'm willing to bet $1000 that all the testing that is done is "Can you hear me 
now" and a "speed test".  Not even something as simple and effective as RRUL.
Actually, at least some the the carriers do much more extensive testing; but 
not with the test tools we would like to see used (yet).
An example is AT&T, where in research, KK Ramakrishnan has a van with 20 or so 
laptops so he can go driving around and load up a cell in the middle of the 
night and get data.   And he's research; the operations guys do lots of testing 
I gather, but more at the radio level.
Next up, is to educate KK to run RRUL.
And in my own company, I've seen data, but it is too high level: e.g. 
performance of "web" video: e.g. siverlight, flash, youtube, etc.
A common disease that has complicated all this is the propensity for companies 
to use Windows XP internally for everything: since window scaling is turned 
off, you can't saturate a LTE link the way you might like to do with a single 
TCP connection.
- Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ketan Kulkarni" <[mailto:ketku...@gmail.com] ketku...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2013 3:00am
To: "Jim Gettys" <[mailto:j...@freedesktop.org] j...@freedesktop.org>
 Cc: "[mailto:cerowrt-devel@lists.bufferbloat.net] 
 Subject: Re: [Cerowrt-devel] Google working on experimental 3.8 Linux kernel 
for Android

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 1:33 AM, Jim Gettys <[mailto:j...@freedesktop.org] 
j...@freedesktop.org> wrote:

I've got a bit more insight into LTE than I did in the past, courtesy of the 
last couple days.
To begin with, LTE runs with several classes of service (the call them 
bearers).  Your VOIP traffic goes into one of them.
And I think there is another as well that is for guaranteed bit rate traffic.  
One transmit opportunity may have a bunch of chunks of data, and that data may 
be destined for more than one device (IIRC).  It's substantially different than 
Just thought to put more light on bearer stuff:

There are two ways bearers are setup: 
1. UE initiated - where User Equipment sets-up the "parameters" for bearer 
 2. Network initiated - where node like PCRF and PGW sets-up the "parameters". 
 Parameters include the Guaranteed bit-rates, maximum bit-rates. Something 
called QCI is associated with bearers. The QCI parameters are authorized at 
PCRF (policy control rule function) and there is certain mapping maintained at 
either PCRF or PGW between QCI values and DSCP and MBRs.
 These parameters enforcing is done at PGW (in such case it is termed as PCEF - 
policy and rule enforcement function). So PGWs depending on bearers can 
certainly modify dscp bits. Though these can be modified by other nodes in the 

There are two types of bearers: 1. Dedicated bearers - to carry traffic which 
need "special" treatment 2. Default or general pupose bearers - to carry all 
general purpose data.
So generally the voip, streaming videos are passed over dedicated bearers and 
apply (generally) higher GBRs, MBRs and correct dscp markings.
 And other non-latency sensitive traffic generally follows the default bearer.

Theoretical limit on maximum bearers is 11 though practically most of the 
deployments use upto 3 bearers max.

Note that these parameters may very well very based on the subscriber profiles. 
Premium/Corporate subscribers can well have more GBRs and MBRs.
 ISPs are generally very much sensitive to the correct markings at gateways for 
obvious reasons.

But most of what we think of as Internet stuff (web surfing, dns, etc) all gets 
dumped into a single best effort ("BE"), class.
The BE class is definitely badly bloated; I can't say how much because I don't 
really know yet; the test my colleague ran wasn't run long enough to be 
confident it filled the buffers).  But I will say worse than most cable modems 
I've seen.  I expect this will be true to different degrees on different 
hardware.  The other traffic classes haven't been tested yet for bufferbloat, 
though I suspect they will have it too.  I was told that those classes have 
much shorter queues, and when the grow, they dump the whole queues (because 
delivering late real time traffic is useless).  But trust *and* verify....  
Verification hasn't been done for anything but BE traffic, and that hasn't been 
But each device gets a "fair" shot at bandwidth in the cell (or sector of a 
cell; they run 3 radios in each cell), where fair is basically time based; if 
you are at the edge of a cell, you'll get a lot less bandwidth than someone 
near a tower; and this fairness is guaranteed by a scheduler than runs in the 
base station (called a b-nodeb, IIIRC).  So the base station guarantees some 
sort of "fairness" between devices (a place where Linux's wifi stack today 
fails utterly, since there is a single queue per device, rather than one per 
Whether there are bloat problems at the link level in LTE due to error 
correction I don't know yet; but it wouldn't surprise me; I know there was in 
3g.  The people I talked to this morning aren't familiar with the HARQ layer in 
the system.
The base stations are complicated beasts; they have both a linux system in them 
as well as a real time operating system based device inside  We don't know 
where the bottle neck(s) are yet.  I spent lunch upping their paranoia and 
getting them through some conceptual hurdles (e.g. multiple bottlenecks that 
may move, and the like).  They will try to get me some of the data so I can 
help them figure it out.  I don't know if the data flow goes through the linux 
system in the bnodeb or not, for example.
Most carriers are now trying to ensure that their backhauls from the base 
station are never congested, though that is another known source of problems.  
And then there is the lack of AQM at peering point routers....  You'd think 
they might run WRED there, but many/most do not.
- Jim

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Dave Taht <[mailto:dave.t...@gmail.com] 
dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 1:57 PM,  <[mailto:dpr...@reed.com] dpr...@reed.com> 

Doesn't fq_codel need an estimate of link capacity?
No, it just measures delay. Since so far as I know the outgoing portion of LTE 
is not soft-rate limited, but sensitive to the actual available link bandwidth, 
fq_codel should work pretty good (if the underlying interfaces weren't horribly 
overbuffired) in that direction.
I'm looking forward to some measurements of actual buffering at the device 
driver/device levels.
I don't know how inbound to the handset is managed via LTE.
Still quite a few assumptions left to smash in the above.
in the home router case....
When there are artificial rate limits in play (in, for example, a cable 
modem/CMTS, hooked up via gigE yet rate limiting to 24up/4mbit down), then a 
rate limiter (tbf,htb,hfsc) needs to be applied locally to move that rate 
limiter/queue management into the local device, se we can manage it better.
I'd like to be rid of the need to use htb and come up with a rate limiter that 
could be adjusted dynamically from a daemon in userspace, probing for short all 
bandwidth fluctuations while monitoring the load. It needent send that much 
data very often, to come up with a stable result....
You've described one soft-rate sensing scheme (piggybacking on TCP), and I've 
thought up a few others, that could feed back from a daemon some samples into a 
a soft(er) rate limiter that would keep control of the queues in the home 
router. I am thinking it's going to take way too long to fix the CPE and far 
easier to fix the home router via this method, and certainly it's too painful 
and inaccurate to merely measure the bandwidth once, then set a hard rate, when
So far as I know the gargoyle project was experimenting with this approach.
A problem is in places that connect more than one device to the cable modem... 
then you end up with those needing to communicate their perception of the 
actual bandwidth beyond the link.

Where will it get that from the 4G or 3G uplink?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Maciej Soltysiak" <[mailto:mac...@soltysiak.com] mac...@soltysiak.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:03pm
 To: [mailto:cerowrt-devel@lists.bufferbloat.net] 
Subject: [Cerowrt-devel] Google working on experimental 3.8 Linux kernel for 

Looks like Google's experimenting with 3.8 for Android: 
Sounds great if this means they will utilize fq_codel, TFO, BQL, etc.
Anyway my nexus 7 says it has 3.1.10 and this 3.8 will probably go to Android 
5.0 so I hope Nexus 7 will get it too some day or at least 3.3+
Phoronix coverage: [http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMxMzc] 
Their 3.8 changelog: 
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Dave Täht

Fixing bufferbloat with cerowrt: 
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