If you think "fast lanes" will actually increase performance for any traffic, you are dreaming.

the people looking for "fast lanes" are't trying to get traffic through any faster, they are looking to charge more for the traffic they are already passing.

David Lang

 On Thu, 15 May 2014, dpr...@reed.com wrote:

Well done.  I'm optimistic for deployment everywhere, except CMTS's, the LTE 
and HSPA+ access networks, and all corporate firewall and intranet gear.

The solution du jour is to leave bufferbloat in place, while using the real fads: prioritization 
(diffserv once we have the "fast lanes" fully legal) and "software defined 
networking" appliances that use DPI for packet routing and traffic management.

Fixing buffer bloat allows the edge- and enterprise- networks to be more efficient, 
whereas not fixing it lets the edge networks move users up to more and more expensive 
"plans" due to frustration and to sell much more gear into Enterprises because 
they are easy marks for complex gadgets.

But maybe a few engineers who operate and design gear for such networks will 
overcome the incredible business biases against fixing this.

That's why all the efforts you guys have put forth are immensely worth it.  I 
think this is one of the best innovations in recent years (Bram Cohen's 
original BitTorrent is another, for fully decentralizing data delivery for the 
very first time in a brilliant way.) I will certainly push everywhere I can to 
see fq_codel deployed.

If there were a prize for brilliant projects, this would be top on my list.

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 9:25pm, "Dave Taht" <dave.t...@gmail.com> said:

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Kathleen Nichols <nich...@pollere.com>
> Thanks, Rich.
> And to show you what an amazing bit of work that first fq_codel was, I have
> on my calendar that I first "exposed" CoDel to a small group in a
> meeting room
> and on the phone at ISC on April 24.

And we had all sorts of trouble with the phone, (eric didn't hear
much) and we then spent hours and hours afterwards discussing wifi
instead of codel... it was too much to take in...

me, I'd started jumping up and down in excitement about 20 minutes
into kathies preso...

May 3rd, 2012 was the last 24 hr coding stint I think I'll ever have.


Ahh, the good ole days, when bufferbloat was first solved and we all
thought the internet would speed up overnight, and we were going to be
rock stars, invited to all the best parties, acquire fame and fortune,
and be awarded medals and given awards. Re-reading all this brought
back memories.... (heck, there's still a couple good ideas in that
thread left unimplemented)


It looks by may 5th we were getting in shape, and then there were a
few other issues along the way with the control law and so on... and
eric rewrote the whole thing and made it oodles faster and then as
best as I recall came up with fq_codel on saturday may 5th(?) -

Ah, I haven't had so much fun in in years. My life since then seems
like an endless string of meetings, politics, and bugfixing.

The code went from sim/paper, to code, to testing, to mainline linux
in another week. I wish more research went like that!

commit 76e3cc126bb223013a6b9a0e2a51238d1ef2e409
Author: Eric Dumazet <eduma...@google.com>
Date:   Thu May 10 07:51:25 2012 +0000

    codel: Controlled Delay AQM

Now, as I recall the story, eric came up with fq_codel on a saturday
afternoon, so I guess that was may 5th - cinco de mayo!

And that too, landed in mainline...

commit 4b549a2ef4bef9965d97cbd992ba67930cd3e0fe
Author: Eric Dumazet <eduma...@google.com>
Date:   Fri May 11 09:30:50 2012 +0000

    fq_codel: Fair Queue Codel AQM

let's not forget tom herbert & BQL

commit 75957ba36c05b979701e9ec64b37819adc12f830
Author: Tom Herbert <therb...@google.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 28 16:32:35 2011 +0000

    dql: Dynamic queue limits

    Implementation of dynamic queue limits (dql).  This is a libary which
    allows a queue limit to be dynamically managed.  The goal of dql is
    to set the queue limit, number of objects to the queue, to be minimized
    without allowing the queue to be starved.

> It was really amazing to me to watch
> something Van and I had been discussing (okay, arguing) about privately for
> 6 months and I'd been tinkering with be turned into real code on real
> networks.
> Jim Gettys is an incredible (and constructive) nagger, Eric Dumazet and
> amazing
> coder, and the entire open source community a really nifty group of folks.
> Maybe someday we will actually update the first article with some of the
> stuff
> we got into the last internet draft....
>         be the change,
>                 Kathie
> On 5/14/14 2:01 PM, Rich Brown wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I just noticed that the announcement for the first testable
>> implementation of fq_codel was two days ago today - 14 May 2012.
>> Build 3.3.6-2 was the first to include working fq_codel.
>>  Two years later, we see fq_codel being adopted lots of places. As
>> more and more people/organizations come to understand the problem,
>> and how straightforward the solution can be, we're beginning to win
>> the battle to have a good Internet experience everywhere.
>> Thanks to Dave, Eric, Kathie, Van, and all the members of this list
>> for their perseverance, testing, comments, and patience.
>> Congratulations!
>> Best regards,
>> Rich _______________________________________________ Bloat mailing
>> list bl...@lists.bufferbloat.net
>> https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/bloat
> _______________________________________________
> Bloat mailing list
> bl...@lists.bufferbloat.net
> https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/bloat

Dave Täht

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