> I think that is achievable, *even if there is a WiFi network in the middle*, by thinking about the fact that the shared airwaves in a WiFi network behaves like a single link, so all the queues on individual stations are really *one queue*, and that the optimal behavior of that link will be achieved if there is at most one packet queued at a time.
I agree that queues should be kept short in general. However I don't think single packet queues are achievable in the general case. The general case includes Wi-Fi networks, whose TXOP overhead is so ruinously heavy that sending single MTU sized packets is inefficient. Aggregating multiple packets into one TXOP requires those several packets to be present in the buffer at that moment. The general case includes links which vary in throughput frequently, perhaps on shorter timescales than an RTT, so either packets must be buffered or capacity is left unused. This also happens to include Wi-Fi, but could easily include a standard wired link whose competing load varies. The endpoints do not have and do not receive sufficient information in sufficient time to reliably make packets arrive at nodes just in time to be transmitted. Not even with ECN, not even with the wet dreams of the DCTCP folks, and not even with ELR (though ELR should be able to make it happen under steady conditions, there are still transient conditions in the general case). - Jonathan Morton
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