Hi David,

On Oct 26, 2015, at 19:15 , David Lang <da...@lang.hm> wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Oct 2015, Dave Taht wrote:
>> in terms of testing wifi, the most useful series of tests to conduct
>> at the moment - since we plan to fix per station queuing soon
> how soon is 'soon'? I'm going to be building my image for Scale in the next 
> few weeks, any chance of having this available to put in it?

        Oh, interesting, slightly related question, do you typically disable 
offloads for your scale deployed APs, or do you run with them enabled? (I am 
pondering whether to expose a n offload toggle in luci-ap-sqm, but that only 
makes sense if there are users willing to test the functionality more often 
than once off). (Then again you probably do not use the GUI in the first place 
in your deployment ;) or?)

Best Regards

> David Lang

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