> On 18 Jan, 2016, at 11:43, Valent Turkovic <val...@otvorenamreza.org> wrote:
> Can you please share your sqm qos script, or just how you invoke tc
> manually and I'll test it on my routers and see what happens then:)

The autorate_ingress option is just a flag.  Specify it after the bandwidth 
parameter to give it a sane starting point, say 1Mbit.  I think some of the 
more recent GUIs have a field for “advanced” or “experimental” options like 
this.  Once it sees some traffic, it should settle down reasonably quickly to 
the real link capacity, minus a small margin to establish itself as the 

Eg: tc qdisc replace dev ifb0 root cake bandwidth 1Mbit autorate_ingress

As a reminder, autorate_ingress only works *downstream* of the bottleneck link. 
 Use it on the external interface’s *ingress* if possible.

> From your presentation I see that if we had a daemon working in
> background and somehow measured tcp latency (how?) and then we could
> use it to raise/lower bandwidth limits on cake until we get best
> possible results. Ideally I would like to use a queueing mechanism
> that auto-configures everything.

Right.  The autorate_ingress feature works entirely in kernelspace, and 
effectively takes care of the downstream half of the equation. The upstream 
half turns out to be a much harder problem, because we can only measure the 
uplink capacity when it is saturated, and typical consumer traffic doesn’t do 
that very often.  If we did have a saturating bulk upstream TCP flow, then we 
could examine its RTT profile in userspace, under the assumption that the 
downlink was taken care of.

One reasonable approach might be to use a userspace tool to periodically scrape 
the downlink speed out of autorate_ingress, and set the uplink speed to some 
fixed fraction of that (using tc qdisc change, for least disruption).  It might 
even make sense for 3G to inherently have such a ratio.  If it does, does 
anyone know what it is?

> @everybody any ideas how to tweak current "simple.qos" and
> "simplest.qos" scripts in OpenWrt for 3G and fiber optics? On fiber
> optic connection idle latency is around 30ms and on 3G connection is
> around 60ms, do I need to change 5ms default in fq_codel to these
> values? How?

These are essentially internet-scale latencies, especially if you’re just 
pinging the gateway immediately beyond the link, so the defaults will work 
fine.  The most recent versions of tc-adv include a set of intuitive keywords 
to specify commonly-encountered RTT ranges; the one for “internet” is 100ms, 
which corresponds to the Codel default parameters.

The 5ms figure is the target *queuing* latency, which should be considerably 
less than the estimated RTT; you really don’t want to be consistently adding 
60ms of queuing on top of your 60ms inherent 3G latency.

 - Jonathan Morton

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