Regarding OpenWRT, one should note that the major tech industry funded 
think-tank in DC (ITIF) generally is unfriendly to the FCC getting involved in 
security and privacy. Heres a report they just issued:

Their general view is that "industry will provide what the country needs", no 
matter what that is. Not surprising, but their funders (who are not disclosed) 
are typically the companies that oppose openness, privacy, etc. unless it 
serves their profit.

Now I view the security and privacy of individuals to be best served by opening 
up communications gear for inspection and improvement. To combat the spin 
provided by organizations like ITIF needs a lot of work.

On Sunday, March 6, 2016 11:48am, "Dave Taht" <> said:

> changed the topic line.
> On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 3:41 PM, John Yates <> wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 6:34 PM, Luis E. Garcia <> wrote:
>>> +1
>>> A blog format where we can also comment and document our
>>> experiences/tweaks.
> I am somewhat allergic to outsourcing the comment feature to disquis.
> And discourse introduced all the same dependencies on complicated
> ruby and postgres stuff that redmine did, and email (heck, netnews!)
> is my preferred metier, even if I'm out of step...
> However I value the comments in most blogs far, far, far more highly
> than the actual content, most of the time.
> :/
> Let me open the question - how do we get more people interested in
> reading/writing about open firmware, bufferbloat, modded routers,
> embedded boards, fighting with the FCC, etc?
>  For example one thing we've never been able to take much advantage of
> is the "planet" concept where content is federated via rss.
>> While blogs typically support threaded commenting they do little to support
>> curation of anything other than the main article. Perhaps a wiki would be
>> better.
> There has been very little interest of late in maintenance of the
> existing redmine based wiki, only seeing one update in
> the last month or two on cake.
> The 350+ articles on it are in dire need of curation and update and
> unification, which is kind of hard to do as wiki pages. A couple
> should get pushed out to wikipedia.
> The "cool kids" seem to have moved to github, and to slack. The
> textile format of the wikitext for redmine vs wikipedia or markdown,
> is also a barrier to entry. After be-ing overwhelmed by spam, also, I
> stopped giving out editing accounts on it long ago except to those
> that asked. All these problems have shrunk the potential writer-base
> to maybe a core of 8-10 people that contribute occasionally.
> ...
> I used to keep my lab notebook in public git, along with bits of
> writing about each result. This was *very good for me* - but when we
> started getting close to codel actually working, and I was told that a
> patent hungry competitor was reading the git posts diligently, I froze
> up. I've been kind of reluctant to write down anywhere a few things
> important to get make-wifi-fast right, also, even after joining the
> open inventions network...
> Anyway - for bloggy stuff and a minimalistic website/wiki for
> I have long been leaning towards converting the site
> over to using a static site generator like hugo, with git as a backing
> db, and to get away from redmine entirely - this is partially driven
> by the fact we desperately needed to move the main
> webserver out of it's co-lo months ago, and I have yet to get redmine
> + postgres + redmine backup to succeed. Too many moving parts... (any
> postgres/redmine experts left in the house?)
> ...
> Another option is to try to get space in something like arstechnica
> but I doubt that suits much potential content or writers.
> "It would be nice" to have a column somewhere around some concept that
> made sense...
> ...but, like so much else in this world - writing doesn't pay anymore.
> I am glad to be resurrecting my old blog a bit, 'cause I needed a
> place to vent, and the currently editorless, no commercial content,
> write-any-damn-thing-I-want, use any content management system I want,
> with no advertising, is the only thing that is freeing up my
> subconcious to be able to write at all.
>> /john
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