Ah, yeah it's fixed wireless I meant. Didn't really know how to say it right in 

We've got the Huawei B818-260 with an EMCOM XPOL-2 4G/5G on the wall.

Yes, we've got a 30 Mbit/sec subscription. In practice we usually see ~30 Mbit 
downstream and 10-15 upstream, and I believe when we first got the B818 and 
antenna hooked up I measured ~70 Mbit downstream with a subscription that 
didn't have any rate limitations, so I assumed we should have a good amount of 
leeway if something affected the signal.

Sure, I can run some more tests tomorrow. Could also grab some signal stats 
from the B818 if those are of interest.

By the way, I forgot to mention it when I posted yesterdays tests, but those 
were conducted over a WireGuard tunnel with CAKE for the downstream running on 
the other side. Doing that was the only way to get the ADSL subscription we had 
to behave decently, it simply couldn't handle things like Steam downloads with 
CAKE on a IFB device in ingress mode, and shaping downstream this way kinda 

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