Do you really think that other countries don't spy on us?  Especially
China... I mean, in my opinion, it was their money that won Clinton's 2nd
election... but I digress...

Has anyone ever heard of the Open Skies Treaty?  It allows several countries
to fly over one another (the US and Russia included) with certain
limitations as to the frequency and such.  Oh and get this... if you don't
happen to have your own plane... no bother... the US has configured 3
C-135's for the purpose and you can use them if you would like.  

here is a link about the treaty.
(this is old, but i didn't have time to find anything more timely)

I don't think China is on the list, but my point is... if you think the US
is the only country that spys with airplanes... you should move out into the

DISCLAIMER:  I do not speak for the U.S. Navy... I'm just a web developer...
I don't know anything about the incident.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Arledge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 11:47 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: An apology...

What's even funnier is that you probably wouldn't be joking about it if
the situation were reversed.  I would really like to see the Chinese fly
their planes near the US coast. 

Stupid Americans (most, not all)  :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Erika L Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: April 16, 2001 7:27 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: An apology...

just a wee bit of satire for this lovely Monday morning....


It is with deep regret, hesitation, and contrition that I, The President
of the United States of America, offer apology to the Chinese nation and
its peoples.  I apologize for the heinous act performed by our large,
sluggish, propeller driven, airplane when it got in the way of your
highly maneuverable, supersonic, technologically superior, jet aircraft.

Furthermore, I sincerely regret the fact that by flying in international
airspace, we afforded your "highly competent" pilot the opportunity to
fly his aircraft into our own, causing him to spiral to his death into
the ocean. We regret the choice made by said pilot when he used
deficient judgment in electing to attempt aerial intimidation upon our
slower moving, unarmed, surveillance vehicle.

This situation brings to mind a similar episode when I was in grade
school and my face got in the way of the school yard  bully's fist. He
broke a bone in his hand and I felt as compelled to apologize for that
incident as I do for this one.

Let me summarize by stating that it is our sincere hope that you accept
this "heart felt" and "sincere" apology for the actions committed by
your pilot.

We are sorry that we got in the way. We are sorry that we were forced to
leave international airspace and land in Chinese territory. We are sorry
that you were forced to provide food and housing for our military

Most of all, we are sorry that you have, in your possession, some of our
most technologically advanced surveillance equipment on the planet. I
hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive us. I hope that soon
you will be compelled to release our men and our property. Because I
really don't want to have to apologize again when we have to kick your

George W. Bush
President of the United States
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