LOL! How else to build a good community of like-minded folk?

The Other Judith

Erika L Walker put into words:
>Does anyone here realize there have been roughly 1400 posts to this list in
>the space of 30 days? That quite an accomplishment folks!
> From a list that was generating 'nuthin' to what is now, a,... well,... a
>joke-telling, beer_swallowing, pony-riding, mango-eating, political-hashing,
>sweater-knitting, canadian-loving conglomeration!
>Not that anyone really cares, but hey, I just thought I'd share.

Judith Taylor
ICQ: 67460562
Freelance ColdFusion Developer - Athens, OH

Friends don't let friends code before coffee.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at
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